
Viser treff 1–20 av 273 for ?scholars at risk?

Diana Saplacan - Department of Informatics

Appearances. Saplacan, Diana (2024). Ethical Risk Assessment of AI in Practice (project webpage at UiO) . Saplacan, Diana (2024). Human Robot Interaction...

Kjetill Sigurd Jakobsen - Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis

organisms in evolution of many protist groups and the most successful group of organisms throughout the evolutionary history – are being investigated at the...

Ole Andreas L?chen ?kstad - Farmas?ytisk institutt

both antibiotics. For Hi-072, interactions were subtle, but a tendency in direction of antagonism was significant at two concentrations of ciprofloxacin...

News and Events - Department of Mathematics

H?vard Mokleiv Nyg?rd (Peace Research Institute of Oslo) have won the strenuous privilege of co-directing at group of international and Norwegian scholars...

Sven Peter N?sholm - Department of Informatics

openings Have a look at a list of Master project suggestions available in our research group: follow link Intros Machine Learning Section news item on my...

Sven Peter N?sholm - Institutt for informatikk

sammendrag A minequake of magnitude ML 4.1 occurred on 18 May 2020 early in the morning at the LKAB underground iron ore mine in Kiruna, Sweden. This is the...

Ole Andreas L?chen ?kstad - Department of Pharmacy

both antibiotics. For Hi-072, interactions were subtle, but a tendency in direction of antagonism was significant at two concentrations of ciprofloxacin...

Alexander Eiler - Department of Biosciences

ecologist at the University of Vienna and of a microbial ecologist at Uppsala University where I worked on describing microbial diversity of inland waters and...

LTG research seminar - Department of Informatics

usually consist of a 30-minute presentation and 15 minutes of discussion with the audience. The seminar is conducted in a hybrid form: both offline at Ole...

FINANCIAL RISK MEASURES - Department of Mathematics

email to: giulian@math.uio.no Program for the lectures 1. The problem of risk quantification 2. Value-at-Risk, Expected Shortfall and other risk measures...

Jan David Heuschele - Institutt for biovitenskap

my Norwegian is still shaky, please visit the English page for more information on my research interests and work at IBV. Y ou can find a complete and...

Torbj?rn H?kan Ergon - Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis

studied at University of Bergen (BSc, MSc), University of Oslo (PhD) and University of Aberdeen, Scotland (PhD). I did a post-doc at Patuxent Wildlife...

Franz Georg Fuchs - Matematisk institutt

cylinder with uniform and pulsating inflow conditions at different Reynolds numbers are simulated using Large Eddy Simulation (LES). For pulsating inflow, a...

Nils Gruschka - Department of Informatics

; Wiefling, Stephan; Gruschka, Nils & Lo Iacono, Luigi (2024). Is It Really You Who Forgot the Password? When Account Recovery Meets Risk-Based Authentication...

Nils Chr. Stenseth - Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Cambridge, Downing Place, Cambridge, UK Several other partners will be involved together with several new PhD students and post docs who will be employed at...

Josefin Titelman - Department of Biosciences

physical environment and morphology constrain behavior? How does risk shape life history traits? What are the implications of small scale individual (inter...

Jan Wohland - Institutt for teknologisystemer

Associate Professor in Renewable Energy Systems. His work sits at the interface between climate and energy science. Combining data analysis and quantitative...

Jan Wohland - Department of Technology Systems

Associate Professor in Renewable Energy Systems. His work sits at the interface between climate and energy science. Combining data analysis and quantitative...

Nils Chr. Stenseth - Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet

). Evolving at the speed of risk. Kausrud, Kyrre; Malmstr?m, Martin; Stenseth, Nils Christian & Hjelle, Dag (2021). Koronaviruset – pandemi eller kommet for ?...

Aliaksandr Hubin - Department of Mathematics

diversifications" Awards The NIMA 2014 award for the best MSc graduate at Molde University College - Specialized University in Logistics, 2014 Ministry of Education...