
Viser treff 1–20 av 154 for ?scholars at risk?

WAGE: Arbeid og organisering i en gr?nn ?konomi - Institutt for sosiologi og samfunnsgeografi

Om prosjektet Et gr?nt skifte krever at samfunn verden over beveger seg mot et energiregime basert p? lavutslippsteknologier. Utslippene fra petroleum...

Publikasjoner - Det utdanningsvitenskapelige fakultet

., Kj?rven, O. K., Dewilde, J., & Skrefsrud, T.-A. (2024). Listening to young people’s voices: Attempts at developing context- and participant-sensitive...

Siste 100 publikasjoner fra Institutt for pedagogikk - Institutt for pedagogikk

en oversikt over ?kningen av antall professorer og forskere i NOU-utvalg de siste tretti ?r i Norge, og viser til trender som antyder at folk kan v?re...

Siste publikasjoner - Institutt for kriminologi og rettssosiologi

people early in a potential criminal career, police prevention officers can request an intelligence report from the intelligence unit to map at-risk...

MIGMA -Transnasjonalisme ovanfr? og nedanfr? - Institutt for kriminologi og rettssosiologi

Migration and Refugee Studies, Management Policies and Governance. European Public Law Organization. ISSN 978-618-5417-11-6. Paasche, Erlend (2020). TK at 70...

Siste publikasjoner - Institutt for kulturstudier og orientalske spr?k

Sad?k Efendi (1826/7 – 1873), a religious scholar and preacher who worked at various Istanbul mosques, was a fervent participant in this culture of...

Siste publikasjoner - Institutt for musikkvitenskap

data from the MusicLab Copenhagen with the Danish String Quartet research concert to discuss particular responses from the audience physically present at...

Temporalities of Urban Natures (1) - Institutt for kulturstudier og orientalske spr?k

tensions and entanglements. Such focus leaves temporalities underexplored, while risking to implicitly reinforce anthropocentric worldviews. As such, urban...

Temporalities of Urban Natures (2) - Institutt for kulturstudier og orientalske spr?k

singleheartedly on spatial tensions and entanglements. Such focus leaves temporalities underexplored, while risking to implicitly reinforce anthropocentric...

emilie_rieber_masteroppgave.pdf - Institutt for privatrett

N TN U N or w eg ia n U ni ve rs ity o f S ci en ce a nd T ec hn ol og y Fa cu lty o f I nf or m at io n Te ch no lo gy a nd E le ct ric al E ng in...

ferdig-program-27.11.23.pdf - Museum for universitets- og vitenskapshistorie

issues of relevance both to a Scandinavian and an interna?onal audience. We welcome researchers of all na?onali?es and at all stages of their careers. This...

book-of-abstracts-9th-norwegian-conference-on-the-history-of-science.pdf - Museum for universitets- og vitenskapshistorie

momentum for a leprosy-free future. Magnus Vollset is an associate professor of history of science and medicine at the University of Bergen. His doctorate...

abstracts-(23-november).pdf - Museum for universitets- og vitenskapshistorie

and the biggest anniversary you've (probably) never heard of Public keynote at the 9th Norwegian Conference on the History of Science Magnus Vollset...

Spr?kutvikling hos norske barn - en bibliografi (1912-2010) - Institutt for lingvistiske og nordiske studier

born at familial risk. Doctoral dissertation, University of Oslo. N?klestad, A. (1996). A connectionist modelling approach to past tense acquisition in...

Keynotes – Universitetet i Oslo

. Endangered species laws, as legal and cultural texts, embody particular perceptions of risk and thereby open a window onto locally and regionally specific...

Call for papers – Universitetet i Oslo

Call for papers International conference at the University of Oslo, June 5-7, 2013 . Regimes of Temporality Investigating the Plurality and Order of...

project-description.pdf - Institutt for statsvitenskap

this affects policy-mix development. Many studies of domestic climate policy aim at explaining why governments fail to govern climate action effectively...

hansenthau_cir.pdf - Institutt for statsvitenskap

. Zooming in on the redistribution and environment/climate dimensions in particular, provide further nuance to these findings. Paper to be presented at the...

complex_03_2023.pdf - Institutt for privatrett

requirements for the degree of Master of Laws in Information and Communication Technology Law at the Uni- versity of Oslo. Research for this thesis was conducted...

styrets-beretning-2022.pdf - Institutt for medier og kommunikasjon

skrives, et stykke ut i 2023, vet vi at krigen fortsatte gjennom hele ?ret, skapte stor menneskelig lidelse, flyktningestr?mmer og enorm materiell...