Nettsider med emneord ?Gaussian processes?

Publisert 6. juli 2023 13:24

LATICE aims to advance the knowledge base concerning land atmosphere interactions through improved model representation of snow, permafrost, hydrology and large-scale vegetation processes representative of high latitudes, including; 1) New ground observations (gap filling using ML); 2) Land surface model parametrization using data science methods; 3) Seasonal snow cover dynamics using data assimilation and Earth observations (e.g. satellite data, drones).

Publisert 5. juli 2023 09:51

Exploring the fundamental constituents of the Universe physicists are faced with very serious calculational bottlenecks. To compare new physics models to data we need to perform very computationally expensive calculations in quantum field theory (QFT).

Publisert 3. juli 2023 14:56

BigInsight produces innovative solutions for key data-driven challenges facing our consortium of private, public and research partners, by developing original statistical and machine learning methodologies.

Publisert 23. juni 2023 14:09

We develop and apply methods based on machine learning for chemistry and materials science. At the method level, our focus is on data (datasets computed with quantum mechanics methods), representations (graphs based on electronic structure theory), and models (graph neural networks and boosted trees).