dScience Webinar: Developing and Running Scientific Codes in an Optimal Way on HPC Systems

We invite you to an informative webinar on Developing and Running Scientific Codes in an Optimal Way on HPC Systems, at dScience.

Photo: Colourbox

In order to inform and ensure a good collaboration between dScience Digital Resources and the research environment at UiO, we will invite you to regular meetings.

This time, Ole Saastad (Chief Engineer, USIT) will give a talk on how to develop compute effective scientific applications. As memory access is commonly the bottleneck for scientific codes, it is of vital importance. Working knowledge of how the processor accesses and deals with memory is key to gain high performance. Accessing I/O is often neglected and can have a huge impact on performance. For already built scientific codes, there are many ways of scheduling and running the application that will yield best possible for the application in question. For all codes, memory and storage access are the key to attain high performance. Best practices for running both self developed and binary executables will be presented.

Recording of the webinar


dScience and USIT
Tags: hpc, research, webinar, scientific codes
Published Aug. 24, 2022 1:36 PM - Last modified Sep. 7, 2022 1:45 PM