Norwegian version of this page

Photo and illustrations

UiO's images should consistently cover the breadth of studies, themes and people in a natural, credible and unique way, which gives UiO a clear branding profile.

Bildet kan inneholde: kl?r, smil, ledd, skulder, mote.


Through knowledge, ability and commitment, the University of Oslo will contribute to a sustainable future. It has shaped the society for over 200 years and is a leading European university. By 2030, the university will promote independent, pioneering and long term research to offer outstanding education. It will strengthen the dialogue with the rest of the world and contribute to the use of knowledge.

The University of Oslo has a fascinating history related not just to education, but also to its buildings. It showcases and strengthens UiO's proud history when we pay homage to these buildings in the pictorial style. The architecture, use of colours and materials; all of which tells a story in the present and historically. It will be able to convey the entire University, as a whole.

Main focus for UiO

  • Promote independent, pioneering and long term research
  • Educate students with knowledge, ability and the will to create a better world
  • Strengthen the dialogue with the rest of the world to ensure that knowledge is used
  • Be an innovative organization and an attractive place to work and study
  • Aspire and inspire to commit and change

Profile pictures

The motifs and people should not be directly linked to specific situations or themes, but rather focus on evoking emotions and atmosphere.
The pictures will provide an insight into UiO's everyday life, and the goal of being a progressive university with focus on knowledge, ability and commitment.

Examples of profile pictures

Bildet kan inneholde: smil, yttert?y, fotografi, skulder, trapp.
Photo: UiO/Jarli&Jordan
Foto: UiO/Jarli&Jordan
Photo: UiO/Jarli&Jordan
Bildet kan inneholde: kjole, erme, belysning, underholdning, klesdesign.
Photo: UiO/Jarli&Jordan

Research dissemination

The University of Oslo has shaped the society for over 200 years through independent, pioneering and long term research.

Pictures used to describe the research will contribute to increase the interest and understanding of the subject. It must be relevant, authentic and of a quality that enhances the communication. The pictures should not be used only as decoration.

Examples of pictures for research dissemination

En mann med elektroder p? hodet
Picture taken for SPARK Norway by Jarli&Jordan
Mennesker i laboratorie
Picture taken for SPARK Norway by Jarli&Jordan
jente som holder gjenstand til forskning
Picture taken for SPARK Norway by Jarli&Jordan

Scientific and technical illustrations

Although illustration is not an integral part of UiO's profile, there is often a need to use illustration to explain and communicate scientific or academic content. The illustrations must therefore have an informative character. The style must be technical, clean and precise.

In addition, scientific visualizations such as ultrasound images or 3D modeling can be used.

About cover photos on each unit's website 

We have new websites and new formats. The pictorial style is implemented on the front page of, and on the faculty pages. Pictures for specific faculties are taken in the building/ location of the respective faculty. This is a great way to present the everyday life of the students, and also to convery UiO as a diverse university.

Pictures used as cover photos must be owned by This photo brief applies to front pages of faculties and institutes. The faculty must have a seal in the bottom right corner of the picture. The seal can be black or white. Institutes and other units can have the seal on their pictures if they want to.

Relevant thematic situations

  • Students' everyday lives, presented in the historical buildings 
  • Show commitment
  • Convey a 200-year old rich history
  • Future meets history


  • We want to take greater ownership of the architecture and art at UiO. Convey a pride for our history, seen from a present day-perspective
  • Show our academic strength and curiosity at UiO
  • The pictures must be honest and not glorified; the pictures must capture the everyday lives and the benefits of attending the University of Oslo
  • Still images, primarily used in landscape format for digital platforms
  • The pictures can be portraits of students and staff, and also spectators observing everyday life at UiO
  • Avoid too much images of campus, mentor weeks and other clichés where students are shown in profiled merchandises such as t-shirts, signs etc.


  • For units' main pages, the format is 21:9
  • The faculty must have a seal in the right corner. It can be black or white.
  • For other units, the seal is an option, not mandatory.
  • Image sizes at

Target group

The main target group is existing and new students of the University of Oslo. The most important target group is the new students, and it is vital to reach wide and maintain diversity in terms of gender and ethnicity, age and situations.


  • Centres have more freedom to choose pictures, but should not use polished images from Unsplash/ Colorbox or other databases.
  • There is no room for photo credit on cover photos, so this is added to the photo if the photo is not owned by UiO.
  • Centres have the option to use full-width image (16:9 format) on their front pages, where the centre's name will be over the image. When using this image size, do take into consideration the contrast ratio between the text and the background of the image (according to the universal design requirements). Avoid images with noisy and chaotic motifs. Choose clean images that convey clarity and credibility.

Rights and consent

Pictures for the faculty and institutes are taken by photographers Jarli&Jordan and we have all rights to these. Students pictured have signed consent forms, which are limited in time, and can be withdrawn at any time.

    Published Jan. 25, 2022 7:08 AM - Last modified Mar. 4, 2022 9:49 AM