Workshop for mentees

Bildet kan inneholde: smil, bord, laptop, interi?rdesign, personlig datamaskin.

Kilde: Colourbox


  • Provide new inspiration and tools to increase the benefits of mentoring
  • Ensure that the relationships and mentoring process are working well


At this workshop, we will focus on topics generated from the May workshop and from a brief survey to the mentees and mentors sent out beforehand. Additionally, the mentors will join the workshop from 11.30-15.00, where we will have a joint programme to include more learning across the full group. Approximately 2 weeks before the workshop, we will share the program and advise about possible homework before the workshop.


We expect lunch to be from 11.30 - 12.30pm.


A few weeks prior to the event, mentees enlisted in the programme will receive an invitation to this event in Outlook. By accepting the invitation in Outlook, you register for the event.


Contact Adviser Miranda Moen.

Published Feb. 7, 2025 10:14 AM - Last modified Feb. 7, 2025 10:14 AM