The course focuses on writing suitable texts about research and how these can be used and adapted to different genres and media. What are the actual requirements for radio, TV and newspapers? What about features, interviews and blogs?
Target group
This course is for academic staff who have their main connection with UiO.
- 7 hours
- Max 12 participants
- Course leaders: Eivind Nicolai Lauritsen and Eldrid Borgan from 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录.no
- Price: 2900 NOK
- Course owner: Charlotte Kildal, SUM
09:00 Opening and round of presentations.
- What is our research about?
- Making the text intriguing. News criteria in English and “Researchegian”
- Exercise: How to angle my research
- Language: Difficult subjects in simple terms
11:30 Lunch
- Feedback on sent texts
- Genres
The Blog – diversity and joy in writing
Feature articles – how to write so it gets published
Popular science articles – how and where? - Where to publish?
- Headlines and standfirsts (intros). What attracts Readers?
Exercise: My text with a new headline and standfirst
16:00 End
The course participants will receive personal coaching on their own texts during the course. The drafts should be submitted one week before the course and must be maximum one page.
Here are some tips that may be useful when writing your text:
- Create a short title (max one line) that generates curiosity
- Have an input (preferably no more than three lines) where you address the main message
- Avoid complicated terminology (or explain it carefully the first time you use it)
- Avoid footnotes
- Show your enthusiasm - why is it important?
- Stick to one, max two points in the text
More information on how you submit your draft will be given closer to the date.