Do you have a role at UiO that requires courses in health, safety and environment? Here you find an overview of different HSE-courses that our unit offers, and information on what courses you should take based on your specific role and responsibilities.
The working language at UiO is Norwegian. Therefore, the courses are primarily held in Norwegian. Nevertheless, some courses are offered in English due to the risk profile of the work.
Course overview
Here's an overview on all the courses we offer.
Courses for different roles
Some courses are mandatory if you are a safety representative ('verneombud'), a member of working environment committees (AMU/LAMU), a manager with staff responsibility or work in a lab. Here's an overview of what courses you should take based on your role.
Safety representative and work environment committee member
All safety representatives and members of AMU/LAMU must take a basic course in HSE. The course consists of two parts: one online component and one classroom component.
Manager with staff responsibility
As a manager with staff responsibility, you must complete a HSE classroom course.
Laboratory employee
If you work at a laboratory, you must take online courses in gas safety and handling of chemicals, and classroom courses in laboratory safety and radiation protection.
Upcoming courses
Order customised courses
Units and local working environment committees can order customised courses in HSE, security, and preparedness and response.
- 1 hour introduction to PLIVO for managers
- 2 hour introduction to PLIVO for managers
- Fire safety course for floor and department representatives
- Fire saftety course for student pubs
- CIM deviation management
- One-day course in PLIVO handling
- HMS foundational course module 5: The HMS system at UiO