Target group
The career day is intended for researchers at postdoctoral level at the Faculty of Social Sciences but is also open for other researchers early in their career.
Kindly note that this is not for PhD candidates (see i.e. courses in Research communication and career planning available for this group).
The deadline for registration has passed, contact Marit Eldholm for enquiries about participation.
08:45 Coffee and registration
Welcome and introduction
Tore Nilssen, Pro-Dean of Research
Funding opportunities for early-career researchers
Marit Eldholm, Senior Adviser External Funding
This section will introduce the participants to prestigious European and national research grants, elements of writing a successful research proposal, and how to build and present a competitive CV.
10:15 Break
Building a professional profile in the digital dialogue
Lise Paulsrud Mj?rlund, Head of Communication
Daniel Quintana, Senior Researcher, Department of Psychology
This section will discuss how researchers can use social media as part of a strategy to share their work and expertise, engage with communities within and beyond academia, and what to do when the journalist calls.
11:25 Break
Strategic thinking and time management
Johannes Elgvin, Head of Research and Communication
This section will invite participants to reflect on career goals, prioritization, and how to plan the future.
Career paths after postdoc – in academia and beyond
Research is carried out both within and outside academia. Alumni go on to a variety of successful careers across the academia, for-profit and non-profit sectors, industry, government, education, and more. In this section, alumni will share their personal career journey from a phd/postdoc to “landing the job” in academia and beyond, followed by Q&A.
Chair: Barbro Kolbj?rnsrud, Career and Employability Coordinator
- Siri Brorstad Borlaug, Deputy Head of Reserach/Senior Researcher, The Nordic Institute for Studies of Innovation, Research and Education (NIFU)
- Jarle Hildrum, Vice President, Head of Service Innovation, Telenor Research
- Andreas Moxnes, Professor, Department of Economics, University of Oslo