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Functional assessment

Functional assessment is a tool to help the employee and the employer compare the employee’s functional capacity with the job demands and thus come up with good measures.


In order to achieve the best possible adaptation of the workplace, it may be useful to use a form as a starting point for a conversation and measures.

The main objective is to assess the capacity for work in connection with absence due to illness or the prevention of absence due to illness, and possible measures at the workplace. However, the functional assessment may also be a basis for contact with NAV, your regular general practitioner or other health personnel.

What is included?

This method has been developed by a specialist in occupational medicine at the Modum Joint Occupational Health Service, Marijke Engbers (2003).

It is a form that is only to be used in cooperation with a professional from the Occupational Health Service Unit who has completed the functional assessment course. At the Occupational Health Service Unit, this means Occupational Physiotherapist Carolina Lyb?ck-Forsbacka, Senior Adviser Kristine Moll?-Christensen, and Occupational Nurse Trine Evensen.

The requirement and function form looks at six different topics:

  • Mental function requirements
  • Social function requirements
  • Requirements for the adaptation of the physical working environment
  • Dynamic movement requirements
  • Static working position requirements
  • Working hour requirements

The employer and the employee will jointly agree on the requirements and levels that are to be satisfied by the employee in the position in question and rank the answers with numbers ranging from 1 to 3.

  1. Not relevant for the position
  2. A functional level is required that one would expect most healthy men/women of working age, without additional training and/or training (described in more detail in the form itself under the various topics and questions)
  3. The functional level is significantly higher than what can be expected of a healthy man/woman of working age
  4. Personal functioning in relation to the same topics and questions is looked at after this. An assessment and proposals for measures are then prepared.

Preparations at the unit

A functional assessment will be included in the assistance that is requested from the Occupational Health Service Unit with regard to absence due to illness. It is the immediate superior who shall participate in the completion of the requirement and function form.


Published Oct. 21, 2021 3:10 PM - Last modified Nov. 10, 2021 1:41 PM