Norwegian version of this page

Construction matters, relocation and design of workplaces

The Occupational Health Service Unit gives counselling regarding reconstruction and other construction matters to take care of the health, environment and safety aspects of new or changed workplaces.

Why assistance from OHSU?

To ensure that the workplace is planned so that it safeguards the health of those who will work there, and to prevent illness and health damage, the employer must ensure that the occupational health service assists when doing physical changes to the workplace, as stated in the Regulations on organisation management and participation § 13-2 ( (Norwegian).

What is included?

Our assistance in construction matters includes:

  • Participation in project and user groups
  • Our occupational physiotherapist and/or occupational hygienist can participate in design meetings or construction meetings to contribute the necessary expertise in ergonomics, help with the choice of aid/furniture/equipment, indoor climate and lighting from a health perspective
  • Assist users in planning new or changing existing workplaces and provide advice when preparing a furnishing plan
  • HSE review of plans to ensure accessibility and adaptation for the disabled, in accordance with the objective of universal design
  • Courses, guidance and training in groups - as part of the preventive health work, where it is desirable to have better insight and understanding of the interaction between external stressors and the body's reactions to these
  • After moving in, the occupational physiotherapist can inform at a joint meeting about principles for the design and adjustment of the workplace

It is cheaper and easier to make changes to the drawing board than afterwards!


Both the safety representative and the manager can contact OHSU for advice and assistance. Renovations and new buildings are most often planned activities, make a request for assistance from the occupational health service in the faculty's action plan for the use of OHSU.


Published Nov. 6, 2021 2:07 PM - Last modified Dec. 3, 2021 12:02 PM