Norwegian version of this page

New at ILOS

Welcome to the Department of Literature, Area Studies and European Languages! We hope you will settle in well. This page will give useful information for new staff members.


Head of Department is responsible for your introduction to the University of Oslo and for following up on you.

See also more useful information for new employees at the University.

Practical information

Higher executive officer Ragnhild F?rland will receive new staff and be your contact person for most practical arrangements, your office etc.


Permanent and fixed-term employees receive their salary at mid-month.

Self-service portal

The self-service portal is the University of Oslo's electronic personnel administration service. Here, employees access their salary information, record working hours, apply for holidays, register sick leave and other types of absence and file travel and reimbursement claims.

See how to use the self-service portal.

Access card and keys

All employees must have their own employee ID card with their name, picture, date of birth/personal identity number and signature. The employee ID card functions as a personal ID, access card to buildings, zones and rooms, library card for the University Library and access card to sports facilities.

To begin with you will be lent a card from the reception. After about one week your permanent card will be issued by the SiO Customer Service Centre in the Kristian Ottosen Building at Blindern Campus. When you have collected your card you return your temporary card to the receptionist who will then make sure your card is activated.

IT support

Your email account and email address will be activated as soon as you have been registered at the Payroll Office. 

Your local IT staff can help you with most IT-related problems and questions, Faculty of Humanities Tlf. 54344,, first floor in P.A. Munchs hus. Questions about purchasing IT Equipment should be directed to Head of Administration Karina Kleiva.

Operating funds/fixed assets

Permanent employees will receive NOK 5 000 annually and doctoral research fellows NOK 20 000 annually (in total 60 000 for the three years). You can spend it on books, subscriptions, travels and academically relevant conferences. You may also apply for research funds when they are announced.


You will be assigned an account in the department`s economy system. Contact Heidi Ekstrand for reimbursement  of expenses.

Office supplies

You will find office supplies in room 804, 8th floor. If you do not find what you need, please ask Ragnhild F?rland.


You will have your own pigeonhole in the post room. Incoming mail is usually distributed around 11.30. Outgoing mail is collected from a bag in the post room around 9. a.m.

Email lists

Your email address will be added to the mailinglist for your  academic group. And you will also receive emails that are sent to all employees. (

Research and Research Training

Our administrative research officers are Kirsti Sellevold and Sarah Salameh. They will be important contacts regarding research matters.

Departmental academic head of Research  (deputy springterm 2017) is academicallly in charge of research at the department.

Department webpages

Our webpages give general information about the department and list all employees. The webpages address students, researchers and the public at large. There are also specific pages for employees.

Board representation

The webpages about  board meetings and minutes are only in Norwegian.

Regarding personnel matters

Please be aware of your duty to make yourself acquainted with rules for sick leave, holidays et cetera.

Personnel officer for the department is  Evian Nordstrand.

All questions regarding sick leave, holidays et cetera should initially be put to Head of Administration Karina Kleiva.

Please contact Ragnhild F?rland or other members of the administration if you have further questions about starting in your new position. 

Published Feb. 24, 2017 11:07 AM - Last modified Oct. 4, 2021 2:56 PM