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Local salary negotiations at UiO fall 2023

This fall, local salary negotiations will be held at UiO. Claims are set forth by the employer and the trade unions who then negotiate an agreement on who will receive salary increases. You may submit a claim to your union yourself, and you may also request a salary assessment interview with your manager.

Negotiation partners

The parties in UiO's local salary negotiations are UiO as employer and the trade unions NTL (affiliated with LO Stat), Parat (affiliated with YS State), Researchers Association (associated with Unio) and Akademikerne (Norwegian). These parties set forth their own claims and negotiate which employees shall receive a salary change.

Negotiation framework

The framework for local negotiations in the state is defined in a collective agreement between the state as an employer and the main trade union associations. The state has one agreement with LO Stat and YS Stat (Norwegian) ( (pdf) and another agreement with the Akademikerne and Unio (Norwegian) ( (pdf). The trade unions under the two respective agreements must therefore have separate local salary negotiations. The negotiations will take place in the fall and will be finalized by the end of October, 2023.

Procedure for designing salary claims

  • The employer's assessment of which employees' claims are to be set forth is based on input from the individual employee's personnel manager. The head of the unit sends the unit's claims to the management at the faculty, the university library, the museum, LOS, which coordinates and communicates the claims to a secretariat in the Department of Personnel Support.
  • Individual employees may submit claims to their trade union which sets forth claims on behalf of its own members. Trade unions send out a message to their members about how and when claims can be made.
  • Employees also have the right to a salary assessment interview with their manager.

UiO's local salary policy

The parties at UiO agree on a institutional salary policy which, among other things, sets out principles and criteria for salary assessment.

An important point of departure in UiO's salary policy is that salary levels should

reflect the individual employeel's duties, responsibilities and competencies as well as visualize and reward achievements and efforts that contribute to achieving goals in all areas and at all levels at UiO.

At the same time, the salary policy implies that

All employees at UiO shall have equal opportunity for an assessment whether there is a basis for salary increases.

To ensure that no one is "forgotten", it is also agreed that local manager should make a special

evaluation of employees who have not received local salary development over the last 5 years.

Unfortunately, however, it is not possible that all claims that meet the salary policy's criteria can be met. Justified claims are set forth to an extent that far exceeds the available financial means, and the priorities must therefore be tight. Thus, there are always many claims that are not succuessful, alone because the amount of claims is greater than the money available.

Financial framework

It is the parties at the government level that determine how much money is to be distributed in local salary negotiations:

  • In the agreement with LO Stat and YS Stat, it is decided that in 2023, a financial pot will be negotiated locally equivalent to 0,85 % of the salary of employees organized in these main trade union associations, with effect from 1 May, 2023. This agreement also includes a general adjustment in pay grades in the salary table (a-tabell) valid from 1 May, 2023. 
  • In the agreement with Akademikerne and Unio it is decided that it will be negotiated locally about a pot corresponding to 5,3 % of the salary of employees organized in these these main trade union associations and unorganized employees, with effect from 1 May, 2023.  
Published June 9, 2021 8:54 PM - Last modified May 12, 2023 10:24 AM