Procurement requirements for IT services at UiO

ICT solutions purchased by UiO must at least comply with legal requirements for universal design of ICT. UiO sets strict accessibility requirements in the procurement processes.

EU's Web Directive and WCAG

EU's Web Directive (WAD) and WCAG are part of Norwegian law from February 1, 2022. These requirements apply to ICT solutions for public sector entities. EN 301 549 (PDF) and WCAG 2.1 are key documents defining the technical accessibility requirements UiO imposes. It is essential to include these in agreements and contracts.


These requirements form the basis for technical accessibility and must be specified in IT solution procurements. The requirements apply to internal and external solutions at UiO.

1. Superior requirement - EN 301 549

The solution must comply with EN 301 549 and future mandatory versions of this standard.

2. WCAG 2.1 Level A and AA

The solution must comply with WCAG 2.1 Level A and AA, and future mandatory versions of this standard.

3. WCAG 2.1 Level A and AA Checklist

The supplier should use W3C's Report Tool to document support for WCAG 2.1 Level A, AA, and AAA. Alternatively, an Accessibility Conformance Report (ACR) with a Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT) can be used.

3. WCAG 2.1 Level AAA

The solution should support as many requirements as possible from WCAG 2.1 Level AAA, and future mandatory versions of this standard.

4. Support for screen readers and assistive technologies

The supplier should specify which screen readers, magnification software, and other assistive technologies the solution supports, including names, versions, supported browsers, and operating systems.

5. Standards and Guidelines

The supplier must describe how the solution complies with other relevant standards and guidelines such as HTML5, CSS3, Link to: WAI-ARIA, Link to: Authoring Tool Accessibility Guidelines (ATAG).

6. Deviations

The supplier must document any deviations from WCAG 2.1 Level A, AA, and AAA. Deviations should have a clear prioritization and timeline for correction and implementation in the offered solution. The supplier should include their progress plan.

7. Access to test environment for offered solution

The supplier must provide UiO with access to a test environment with relevant test data for the offered solution. The test environment will undergo expert evaluations and allow UiO to conduct usability and accessibility tests of the solution.

9. Supplier's responsibility

If there are deficiencies in the solution related to UiO's accessibility requirements (ref. the above requirements) at the time of contract signing, the supplier is responsible for correcting these within a reasonable timeframe. The supplier must rectify the deficiencies by an agreed-upon deadline.

Questions about the requirements?

Need assistance with understanding or following up the requirements before or after a procurement? Contact the accessibility team at UiO at

You can also submit a web form if you needed assistance in procurement:

Universal Design assistance in procurement

Published June 26, 2024 1:51 PM - Last modified July 1, 2024 12:55 PM