Norwegian version of this page

How long will the parental leave be?

The duration of the parental leave depends on both the mother's and the father's/co-mother's entitlements to parental benefit, in addition to the agreemenet you make with your employer. 

How long can you receive parental benefit? 

How long you can receive parental benefit depends upon your situation:

  • Both mother and father/co-mother are entitled to parental benefit
  • Only father or co-mother is entitled to parental benefit, but does not have sole custody
  • Only mother is entitled to parental benefit, but does not have sole custody
  • Mother has sole custody and is entitled to parental benefit
  • Father or co-mother has sole custody and is entitled to parental benefit
  • Both fathers are entitled to parental benefit

Read about the duration of the parental benefit period depending on your situation at


You can chose between two salary alternatives during the parental leave:

  • 100% coverage means that you will receive 100% of your salary during your parental leave.
  • If you select a 80% coverage, you will be receive 80% of your regular salary and your leave will extend over a longer period of time.

Once the mother has chosen a coverage in her application for parental benefit, it will apply for the entire leave, including the father/co-mother/partner's quota.

When parents are covered by different country's social security legislation

When one parent is entitled to parental benefit in Norway, and the other parent lives in a different country, specific rules apply depending on your situation.


The entitlement to parental benefit are the same for adoptions as for childbirth.

Read more about parental benefit for adoptions on

Twins or multiple children

If you have multiple children at the same time, you will receive additional weeks of parental benefit that you can divide. These weeks are called multiple birth weeks.

Read about the duration of the parental benefit period on


You have the right to take out days of holiday while receiving parental benefits. If you plan to take out days of holiday during your parental leave, this should be agreed upon with your employer during the parental leave meeting.

When you want to work

You can combine parental benefit with work. You can choose between:

  • Working full-time and postpone your parental benefit period
  • Working part-time and extend your parental benefit period

Working during parental leave must be agreed upon with your employer during the parental leave meeting. Postponing or extending the parental leave due to work must not cause significant inconvenience to the employer at UiO.

Time off beyond the parental leave period

  • The father/co-mother is entitled to 2 weeks of paid family care leave in connection with the birth. Submit an absence application with the absence type "Care for birth 2 weeks with pay" in the DF? self-service portal.
  • In cases of adoption, the parent who does not take out parental leave is entitled to two weeks' paid family care leave in connection with the placement.
  • Parents are entitled to a combined 3 years of family care leave without pay in addition to parental leave with pay.
    • The leave can be used in the period until the child turns 12.
    • The leave can be used simultaneously by both parents.
    • If you wish to apply for this type of leave, you must notify your manager as soon as possible, and at the latest 4 weeks before the leave begins.
    • The leave is pensionable.

Read more about family care leave and leave for nursing mothers.


Published Jan. 14, 2019 3:21 PM - Last modified Sep. 23, 2024 10:08 AM