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Guidelines for allocating research and educational leave at the Department of Mathematics

Based on Guidelines for allocating research and educational leave at UiO  with the amendments of June, 2017


All employees in academic positions have use for and need of developing their career, but in different ways. A good career policy should contribute to employees being strengthened both scientifically and careerwise and being able to be better at competing. The day to day management of each employee's career development rests with the Department Head.

Research and educational leave is an important part of an overall policy for career development. At the same time mobility is necessary to develop excellent researchers and educators. Allocation of research and educational leave, and overseas research grants, is from 2017 delegated to the departments. Each department must evaluate how much they may allocate to this purpose in addition to the sums allocated from the Faculty to the departments through their basic budgets.

§ 1 Objective

The purpose of a research and educational leave is to provide an opportunity for uninterrupted research activities, development of educational activities and pedagogical development. The research and educational leave shall be used to concentrate on research projects, the development of international research contacts, professional renewal, development of teaching, subjects and study programs, work on study quality or educational development. 

All permanent employees in academic positions, including lecturers, have the right to apply for a research and educational leave according to the guidelines. Research and educational leave is not a right that employees obtain automatically after a certain number of semesters/years.

The intention of the overseas research grant is to stimulate to increased international mobility and development of international research and educational cooperation.

§ 2 Application

An application stating the reasons for the research and educational leave, and possibly for an overseas research grant, shall be sent to the Department on a separate form. A work schedule stating how the leave is intended to be used and a description of a satisfactory substitute teaching and supervisory arrangements shall be submitted with the application. When all or parts of the leave is planned abroad, it is possible to apply for an overseas research grant after rates decided by the Faculty. A letter of invitation from the host institution abroad needs to be included in the application. The application deadline is determined by each department.

§ 3 Allocation

The allocation of leave assumes that the Department finds the applicant’s work schedule for the leave satisfactory. Allocation of overseas research grant is dependent on the applicant not being able to get the stay covered by other external funding.

An applicant who has not fulfilled his or her research and teaching duties over a longer period of time, without a valid reason (particularly onerous work tasks of another sort, illness etc.), can be refused a research and educational leave. The allocation is normally dependent on the establishment and financing of a satisfactory temporary staffing scheme. This must be cleared with section head and the head of education at the Department before the application is submitted. Research and educational leave and overseas research grant is not allocated to employees above 65 years of age as a rule.

Should a need to prioritize applicants arise, emphasis shall be placed on:

  • the work schedule submitted,
  • particular efforts in teaching, advising or other university activities,
  • the research and educational leave's importance for career development,
  • the need to conduct the work activities at another place than in own institution
  • heavy care duties, and,
  • the opportunities for women to qualify for top positions.

The evaluation shall also take into consideration the working situation at the Department and possibly any previous research and educational leave of the applicant. The Department will endeavour to avoid interrupting advisory relationships for masters or doctoral candidates, and should possibly ensure that the advisory tasks can be transferred so that the students/candidates concerned do not suffer. 

The Department will in its considerations of allocation of overseas research grants take into consideration the total amount of applications and The Department's financial conditions.

Any rejection of an application for a research and educational leave may be appealed to the dean if the applicant is of the opinion that an error in procedure has been made.

§ 4 Earning seniority

Earned seniority gives the right to apply for research and educational leave, but does not give an automatic right on allocation of such leave. A permanent academic employee earns seniority for two months of a research and educational leave for each year of service when the teaching and administrative duties that ordinarily belong to the position are maintained. The time acquired may be used for a research and educational leave of six months after three years of service, or 12 months after six years of service. Seniority is not earned while being on research and educational leave. When special considerations dictate (e.g. for employees with combined positions), a faculty may grant shorter leave periods, with correspondingly shorter work periods to accumulate the time. The maximum amount of continuous research and educational leave is normally 12 months.  

Absence due to parental leave shall not be deducted when calculating earned seniority. This also applies in cases of adoption, while other leave is not granted a corresponding right.

Dean, Pro-Dean and heads of department who return to their ordinary research positions at the Department are given the right to a research and educational leave and possibly overseas research grant for one year after the expiration of their period in office. (see s?ravtale for valgt og tilsatt ledelse, Norwegian only). The research and educational leave may be taken directly after the election period is served and the overseas research grant (if needed) is covered by the MN-Faculty.

§ 5 Rights and duties during the leave

The employee is on leave with full pay during his or her research and educational leave. Those who have a research and educational leave shall not accept, without conferring with their department, other duties that may hinder the purpose of the leave. The employee is exempt from all elected university positions during his or her research and educational leave unless otherwise agreed. During the leave, the employee may locate his or her work at a suitable place other than his or her own institution.

§ 6 Reports

Within a month of the conclusion of the leave, the employee shall send a brief report to the Department about how the leave has been used.

If the employee has received an overseas research grant, the travel reimbursement form including all necessary documentation must be submitted to the Department no later than one month after the return from abroad. 

The Department will every year report to the the Faculty about research and educational leaves and overseas research grants including number of allocated leaves and grants, expenses etc.


Published Nov. 1, 2018 12:48 PM - Last modified July 5, 2021 4:51 AM