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Work obligations at Department of Economics


Regulation for working hours 


Work duties Unit per semester
Ongoing academic work, such as simple administrative tasks, participation in internal meetings and events, membership of internal committees and councils. The hours are only given to staff in permanent positions (including tenure track) that are not on research leave.  30 hours per semester
Leadership positions  
Deputy Head of Department 140 hours per semester
Exam Coordinator 65 hours per semester
PhD programme Coordinator 90 hours per semester
Master programme Coordinator 140 hours per semester
Bachelor programme Coordinator 140 hours per semester
Recognition committee leader 40 hours per semester
Recognition committee member 25 hours per semester
Master thesis committee leader 40 hours per semester
Master thesis committee member 25 hours per semester
Course group leader 10 hours per semester
Quality assurance of exams  10 hours per semester
Resource personell (Scientific Worklplace, LaTex, OxMetrix/PcGive, Stata, Excel, Word) 10 hours per semester for each program
Library contact 35 hours per semester
Memo Editor 20 hours per semester
Board member (Department) 15 hours per semester
Board member (Faculty) 5 hours per meeting
PhD Committee, including PhD seminar (autumn) and assessment of PhD candidates (spring). The hours are only given to members, not the leader of the comittee. 20 hours per semester
Attending course in University pedagogy As many hours as the course includes
Member of the Frisch centre council 5 hours  (once a year)
HSE responsible 10 hours per semester
Placement Officer 15 hours per semester
Colleague feedback on teaching 3 hours pr lecturer given feedback
Recruiter (skolebes?k) 8 hours for first visit, 6 hours for further visits
Coordinating seminar/lectures  
Arranging research seminar 20 hours per semester
Arranging Friday seminars 10 hours per semester
Lecture at Secondary Education day (faglig-pedagogisk dag) 6 hours per lecture
Lecture at "Open Day" (?pen dag) 6 hours per lecture

Assessment of applicants

Work duties Units per semester
Screening applications 0,5 hours per applicant in total for all participants, and up to maximum 100 hours
Assessment, 1- 5 candidates 20 hours 
Assessment, 5 or more candidates 30 hours
Assessment of promotion 10 hours per candidate
Screening amd assessment of lecturer Half the rate as noted above
Interview Committee AEA (only spring semester) 35 hours per semester


Work duties Units per semester
Make exam paper with grading guide 8 hours per exam 
Make exam papers with grading guide for courses that requires extra effort, for example mathematics, statistics and econometrics 12 hours per exam 
Quality assurance of exam paper and guideline 1 hours per exam 
Grading of home exam under 24 h  1 per assignment
Grading of written school exam 0,75 per assignment
Grading home exam over 24 h and larger assignments, or similar 1,5 per assignment
Oral exam 1 hour per candidate
Grade complaint 0,75 per answer
Grading of ECON4951 - Economic History and Inequality 1,5 hours per home exam and  0,5 hours per oral exam

Master thesis

Work duties Units per semester
Supervision (thesis passed) 30 hours per thesis
Supervision (thesis not passed) 10 hours per thesis
Supervision when revising a thesis 15 hours per thesis
Grading - master thesis 5 hours per thesis
Grading - oral exam 1 hour per candidate
Additional assessment - master thesis 2 hours per thesis
Additional assessment - oral exam 1 hour per candidate

PhD and disputations

Work duties Units per semester
Supervision 180 hours for 1 student for 3 years. 120 hours are distributed the first 3 years, the rest are granted when the candidate completes the thesis
Secondary supervisor The hours are distributed in advanced after agreement with the main supervisor and the secondary supervisor(s)
Assessment 20 hours. A 10 hour supplement will be given, if the internal member of the assessment committee has to enter as an opponent.
Disputation 8 hours per disputation
Disputation leader 8 hours per disputation


Work duties Units per semester
Course Coordinator 10 hours per course
Significant changes of a course (example major changes in the curriculum, new ways of teaching seminar or lectures 15 hours per course
Development of pedagogical work ( development og new courses or ways to teach a course) Invidual assessment
Visiting hours for students 20 hours per semester
Lecture 5 hours per teaching hour
Seminar 3,5 hours per teaching hour
Attendance at seminar teacher meeting. Meeting with all the departments student seminar teachers, admin and academic staff. 2 hour per meeting
Employees in temporary positions (research fellows and post docs) receive extra hours for new teaching tasks 10 hours per new teaching task (ex. lectures)
Term paper, make and go through 8 hours per term paper
Grading of term paper 0,75 hours per term paper (this includes all kinds of term papers)
Solution sketch for seminar problems 2 hours per sketch

Some practical guidelines

The work is to be recorded in the time sheet in the semester it has been carried out, with the following exceptions:

  • Teaching taking place during the summer is to be recorded in the spring semester prior to the teaching.
  • Work duties related to exams are to be recorded in the semester when the exams take place.
  • Work related to grade complaints is recorded in the following semester.
  • Tuition in relation to master's thesis is to be recorded in the semester when the thesis is approved.
  • PhD supervision is distributed over 4 years, with an equal amount of work hours per year.
Published Oct. 31, 2015 3:30 PM - Last modified Nov. 24, 2023 9:36 AM