Norwegian version of this page

Application for reduced work duties in connection with fieldwork

The work duty regulations established by the Faculty of Social Sciences indicate that doctoral research fellows can apply for a reduction of their work duty quota of up to two semesters (up to 1272 hours), in order to accommodate fieldwork, research stays abroad, etc. An approved reduction of the work duty quota leads to a reduction in the number of hours allotted for ongoing professional work ("l?pende faglig arbeid").

Such applications are only considered when they are in connection with studies at research institutions abroad or data collection/fieldwork abroad. The stay abroad must be the equivalent of at least one semester. A reduction in the work duty quota will not be granted for fieldwork that takes place in Oslo or the surrounding area.

Applications are to be sent to the department head.

Published Dec. 22, 2021 10:37 AM - Last modified May 13, 2022 9:40 AM