Norwegian version of this page

Furniture, fixtures and user equipment

The units are responsible for purchasing furniture and fixtures. The Estate Department does repairs of limited damage that does not require any special expertise, equipment or spare parts from the supplier.

The Estate Department is responsible for:

  • Mounting shelves, hanging pictures, mounting signs.
  • Repairs and maintenance of fixed furniture such as benches in auditoriums. The Estate Department identifies this furniture.
  • Simple repairs of loose furniture and loose fittings that do not require specialist skills, equipment or reserve parts from the supplier.
  • The Estate Department assesses whether they can complete the repair.
  • The Estate Department does not replace broken furniture, does not put together flat-pack furniture or do challenging furniture repairs.

Each unit is responsible for:

  • Reporting their needs in accordance with the current process.
  • Purchasing furniture and fixtures.
  • Not removing or changing loose furniture, fixed furniture or protected fixtures.
  • Obtaining replacement furniture or ordering a repairer from the furniture supplier in accordance with the contract catalogue.

Each unit is responsible for their user equipment

Each unit is responsible for repairing fixtures, kitchen equipment and user equipment:

  • Lamps and wall clocks
  • Chairs, tables and shelves
  • Telephones, computers, TVs
  • Kitchenettes: coffee makers, kettles, loose stoves and beverage dispensers
  • Display cases and other exhibition components
  • Dams and pools that are part of exhibitions
  • Rolling stacks
  • Laboratory equipment
  • Fume hoods
  • Aquariums
  • Information screens and electronic signs

The units are also responsible for equipment that supports user equipment, such as uninterruptible power supply (UPS), aggregates, water treatment plants and alarm equipment

Report damages, defects and needs

Report needs related to cleaning, outdoor space, waste, internal relocation, courier services or other daily maintenance work.

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Information from the Estate Department

Are you wondering why you can hear drilling or why an entrance is closed?
Overview of ongoing and planned construction work and repairs.