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Approval in Unit 4 ERP

As a manager, you have the role of cost approver (approver 2). In the finance processes, you give approval in Unit 4 ERP.

You can find documents for approval under Your tasks in Unit 4.

You must verify that there is budgetary cover for the cost and that the cost is charged to the correct cost centre and sub-project.

Log into Unit4

Approve procurement requests, procurement schedules, periodic invoices and vouchers

I prosessen Behov til betaling (BTB) skal du som kostnadsgodkjenner godkjenne i forbindelse med bestilling, periodisk faktura og fakturabehandling.


For an order, you must check and approve the procurement request, or reject it. View the instructional video:  Approve procurement request (df?-video) (Norwegian) 


In many cases, an order will go to automatic match in the system. If there is a deviation between order and invoice, this will appear as a new approval flow in your task list in Unit 4. This also applies to invoices for which there has been no order in the system, and to any periodic invoice.

As a cost approver, you must check that

  • there is budgetary coverage for the payment;
  • that the transaction is financially sound; and
  • that purchases over NOK 100,000 excluding VAT have an attached agreement.

User guides

Approve vouchers, credit advices, submission to debt collector and follow-up on overdue claims

Follow-up on overdue claims

In the Receivable for Payment (Fordring til innbetaling) (FtI) process, as a cost approver you will be involved in the decision on how the customer is to be followed up in the event of non-payment.

Credit note

You must check the credit note proposal and approve or reject this in UNIT4 ERP.

Approve general ledger voucher/Period closing voucher

You retrieve the document in Unit4 ERP under Your tasks. If there is budget coverage for the cost and this is correctly posted, you approve the voucher. If not, reject the voucher and it will be returned to the voucher processor (verifier).

Approve change of facility

Actual facility registration takes place in the Need for Payment processes. To change facility, as a cost approver you must approve these in the Facility Asset (Anleggsmiddel) process.

This takes place in connection with:

  • Change entry dimension value = change in cost centre or sub-project
  • Transfer of facility to new or existing facilities
  • Write-down of facility
  • Reversal of facility transactions
  • Sale of facility
  • Decommissioning of facility

User guide

DF? user guide Facility form (Anleggsskjema) Unit4 ERP chapter 4 (pdf) (Norwegian)

Approve application budget and revised project budget

Until UiO adopts the entire solution in the project area, there will be no separate approval tasks within Project idea for project completion (EFP).

Finance model

As from 1 May 2021, UiO has a new finance model. This entails that there are new cost centres, and project and sub-project numbers.

Measures no longer exist.


You must familiarise yourself with the regulations that apply to the management and reporting, finance and payroll process areas at the University of Oslo.


Published May 14, 2021 8:55 AM - Last modified May 14, 2021 2:48 PM