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Reception of guest lecturers and researchers at PSI

Reception policy of guest lecturers and researchers at the Department of Psychology

Guest Lecturers

It is possible to invite guest lecturers to both ordinary education and guest lectures and seminars.

Ordinary education

  • If you wish to use invited lecturers in ordinary education, this should be clarified with the programme board by the education leader.
  • Study consultants issue a contract for the guest lecturer before the lecture takes place. The contract is based on the departments fixed rates for guest lecturers.
  • Fees for guest lectures which are held by UiO employees take place only after an agreement on “frikj?p” fees. The office manager formalises the agreement on fees with the individual lecturers department.
  • Fees for guest lectures held by UiO externally occur only with payment of salary. UiO does not process invoices for education services.

Guest lectures and seminars

Lecturers at extraordinary guest lectures or seminars must have contracts if they are to receive fees.

Guest researchers

Researchers employed at the Department of Psychology can invite guest researchers they have academic cooperation with.

Conditions for such residencies are:

  • That the residency is fully financed; by a project, other instances, the guest researcher themselves or similar.
  • That the guest researcher has an academic cooperation with a researcher at the Department of Psychology, and that they assume a special responsibility for the guest researcher, both socially and professionally.
  • That the Department has resources to receive the guest researcher.
  • That it is agreed in advance if the guest researcher shall also undertake teaching duties.

Note: The departmental leadership must approve all guest researcher residencies, before an invitation is sent.

When the formal procedures are completed the practical work (Norwegian) can begin.


Published Nov. 13, 2015 8:56 AM - Last modified Dec. 13, 2021 8:09 PM