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The first weeks

Well planned welcome

Activities on the first day

  • Ensure there is a good welcome. First impressions in a new position set an important tone for the entire future employment relationship.
  • Meet the new employee for an initial chat and a review of the onboarding plan.
  • Introduce the new employee to the sponsor(s), who can follow him/her throughout the day.
  • Greet and meet colleagues
  • Review of practical working conditions: office space, connection to the network, IT support, access cards, copier, toilet, parking, etc.
  • Extended lunch with the closest colleagues and manager

Activities during the first weeks

  • Set aside time and be available to the new employee.
  • ?Have clear tasks and projects that the employee can start with, both on their own and with others. Clarify goals and expectations for deliveries in line with the new employee's role and who can assist them.
  • Arrange practical support and training in internal systems and ensure a low threshold for help.
  • Update and add new activities to the onboarding plan.
  • Make sure the sponsor(s) and other colleagues introduce the new employee to partners in several parts of the organisation.
  • Ensure that the new employee is introduced in relevant meeting forums.
  • Introduce the new employee for onboarding conversations.

New employee dialogues (onboarding dialogues)

  • During the first few weeks, you and the new employee will conduct the first new employee dialogue. Feel free to arrange the dialogues for the entire year. It is recommended to have dialogues 3 times in the first half of the year and 1–2 times in the second half of the year.
  • The dialogues shall be conducted in addition to and not as a substitute for ongoing follow-up.
  • The template for new employee dialogues (Word) is general. You can use the parts that are suitable for the current phase the new employee is at. Also take into account the experience the new employee has. 
  • In the first dialogues with the new employee, you should focus on mutual expectations, and whether there is sufficient structure and good follow-up from you and from colleagues. 
  • Map out what training is needed in the role.
  • Describe the follow-up and development plan (attach to the template) that you agree on. The plan with who is responsible for what will be discussed at the next dialogue. The minutes will not be saved.

Templates and tools

Template for new employee dialogues (onboarding dialogues) (Word)

Published Nov. 17, 2021 2:22 PM - Last modified Dec. 13, 2021 3:32 PM