Norwegian version of this page

From 3–6 months

Systematic follow-up


  • Make sure that the new employee is regularly followed up by you, the sponsor and others who contribute to the onboarding process. The new employee should experience coping and acknowledgement.
  • Hold the agreed formal onboarding conversations. Evaluate the onboarding process in its entirety, follow up topics and measures from the last conversation and address new current topics. Use what is suitable in the template and supplement as needed. In this phase, it is important to acknowledge the new employee's contribution and feedback that provides direction for the further development of the role. Current theme:
    • Is the development going in the direction that both you and the employee expect?
    • What does the employee contribute and what does the employee do well? What can be further developed?
    • Is there a need for further training or competence development in some areas?
    • Is the new employee thriving, and how does he/she experience the collaborative relationships?
    • Is there a need to make more connections or develop contacts and networks in the employment relationship?
    • How does the company make use of the employee's expertise and input?
    • What different expectations does the new employee feel are associated with the job? 
    • Does the new employee receive enough ongoing follow-up and support?

If the new employee has carried out an expectation analysis, there may be important topics to follow up from this. 

Trial period

If the new employee has a trial period, it is important to follow up the employer's responsibility associated with this. In line with §5(3) of the State Employee Act ( (Norwegian), the employee shall receive the necessary guidance, follow-up and assessment of the work during the trial period.

Templates and tools

Published Nov. 17, 2021 2:22 PM - Last modified Dec. 14, 2021 1:32 PM