Norwegian version of this page

Attestation and authorisation of travel expenses claims

Attestation of travel expenses claims

Travel expenses claims must be attested by a locally designated attestant within the Unit.

Claims that are submitted electronically are attested in the self-service portal, see guidelines ( (Norwegian).

Attestants confirm that:

  • the trip was undertaken
  • the required documentation is attached to the claim form
  • the allowance scales applied have been legally authorised
  • the correct allowance scales have been applied
  • cost assignments are correct
  • all adding-up is correct
  • use of own car has been approved
  • the cheapest form of travel has been used

To avoid the return of incomplete vouchers, make sure that:

Attestants at UiO will often have to assist with the cost assignment process, particularly with identifying the correct expenditure type.

Authorisation of travel expenses claims

Travel expenses claims must be authorised by the unit’s designated budget allocation officer (BDM).

  • Claims that are submitted electronically are authorised in the self-service portal, see guidelines ( (Norwegian).
  • Claims that are submitted with a paper form are authorised with an original signature by a manager who has budget allocation authority..

The officer affirms that:

  • the payment has been duly authorised
  • there is budgetary cover for the payment
  • the payment is financially justifiable

The person who authorises the payment must also check that the form has been correctly countersigned in accordance with the requirements listed for attestation.


Published Nov. 16, 2016 12:14 AM - Last modified June 3, 2024 2:09 PM