All employees at UiO have access using their regular username and password through Feide. UiO Image archive cannot be translated to English, and this guide will therefore use Norwegian terms to guide you through the steps.
1. Search for images in the archive and how you can use them
2. Download images in your wanted size
5. For editors: How to share albums with others
6. For editors: How to create and choose consent forms
1. Search for images in the archive and how you can use them
- When searching in the archive search bar, you are searching all information that has been entered about the image; no need to specify if the search applies to the title, description, tags, etc.
- Feel free to simply type in the beginning of the word you wish to search for, with an asterisk after it, or else you may miss relevant hits. For example, type in student*, and you will get images that have been tagged with student, students, student association, etc.
- You can also search by finding all images that have the same tag/keyword. The blue fields for keywords are clickable.
- All images taken at public events are okay to use for purposes other than the specific event they were taken for.
- All images that do not show people are okay to use for purposes other than the specific purpose for which they were taken (buildings, objects, labs, etc.).
- Any deviations from these guidelines should be noted in the "Notes" field.
2. Download images in the wanted size
When downloading an image from the UiO Image Archive, it may be in a different size than what you want it to be. In that case, you can resize the image before downloading it.
- Click on the desired image
- Select "Process" in the upper right corner and then choose "Crop and Download."
- Once the image is in the size you want, download it.
3. Upload images yourself
In the archive, we can upload both images, illustrations, videos, and presentations (ppt).
- Click on "Upload" at the top right, select the file you want to upload. Always upload images in their original resolution from the camera. Fill in the Archive field, select your faculty or department from the list that appears.
Now you can fill in all the fields you want to. Mandatory fields are marked with *
- Title*: Choose what you think is most suitable. This image has been titled "Test". We recommend to always use personal names or usernames as titles when taking portrait photos.
- Description*: Free text field. Here you can enter information about the image that is not suitable as tags/keywords. The description should contain information that is not keyword-driven. For example, "Illustrative photo from the lab taken for the 2022 annual report", names of people in a group photo, etc. The information should be specific to the current image and not be generic for a whole set of images, like "Various pictures from a seminar".
- Keywords*: Check the list of stored keywords that appears when you click on this symbol to the right of the keyword field, and select the relevant ones to get the correct names for the department, building, roles, etc.
- For any other keywords you want to tag the image with, enter them manually one by one. These can include the situation, theme, location, body part, file type (video, drawing, ppt), research group, etc. Think about what others might find useful to search for in order to find the image. Feel free to enter the UiO usernames if the image features employees, as it will make it easier to search for specific individuals regardless of whether they were entered with middle names, etc.
- Field of Study: This can be left blank.
- Photographer*: The name of the photographer. Check if the photographer is listed among the most commonly used ones, and click on the correct person. These names will appear when you click on the "files and folders" symbol.
- Date of photo: The system fills this in automatically using information from the image file.
- Credit*: A sentence that shows exactly how the image should be credited. Check if the correct information to use is listed among the most commonly used ones, and click on the correct person. These names will appear when you click on the "files and folders" symbol.
- Consent*: Click on the gear icon in the top right corner of the frontpage. This will bring up a list of options. Choose "Manage Consent Forms." Here, you can request consent from the relevant individuals and see what type of consent different images currently have. You can also choose to automatically publish an image you upload when the consent form is signed. All images that do not show people can be used without additional consent (buildings, objects, labs, etc.).
- Notes: Here you can add messages about the use of the image, special rules for consent, etc., if you wish.
- Sharing: It is optional whether you want to share the image with other parts of the image archive beyond where you uploaded them. See the section on UiO Press Images and UiO Shared Images below.
- File Type: The system fills this in automatically using information from the image file.
Click "Upload" in the lower right corner, and the image will be added at the top of the image database.
Specifically for UiO Press Images and UiO Shared Images
If you want your image to be available to a) everyone on an open website, or b) everyone who is logged in as a UiO user, you can choose to add it by clicking on one of the buttons "To UiO Press Images" or "To UiO Image Archive".
4. About consent
What type and when do you need to obtain consent?
5. For editors: How to share albums with others
This is information for you who are an editor on how to share albums with others.
Sharing individual images
- Click on Album (top left)
- Click on the album
- Select the images in the action bar
- Click Share (top right)
- Search/write the person you want to share the images with
- Add a message is preselected
- If applicable: Check Show on homepage, set the time period, and possibly Allow downloads
- Click Update
Sharing the whole album
An album is personal, but can be shared with others.
- Click Album (top left)
- Click Retrieve link (top right)
- Check Allow downloads – overrides permissions and sets all images in the album to be open
- It is optional to use the comment field to the left of the images to describe what they are about
Deleting an album
If you delete the album (trash can under the cover photo at the top left), you only delete the album – not the files in the album. Deleting an album also deletes any previous shares of the album.
To remove an image from the album without deleting the image:
- Be in the album
- Select the image
- Click the blue button
- Remove at the bottom (broken chain icon)
6. For editors: How to create and choose consent forms
UiO Image archive cannot be translated to English, and this guide will therefore use Norwegian terms to guide you through the steps. If the mentioned consent forms do not fit your needs, contact to get a tailored consent form.
How to create consent forms
- Press the tool menu (cogwheel) in the upper right corner
- Choose "Behandle samtykkeskjemaer"
- Press "Be om signatur"
- Follow the rest of the steps to complete
How to choose correct consent form
UiO-Consent form for commercial use
Must be used for:
- paid advertisement and campaigns for UiO
UiO-Consent form for portrait photos of employees
Must be used for:
- photos for personal webpages
UiO-Consent form for photo
Must be used for:
- UiO's website
- UiO's digital and analogue information channels
- social media
UiO-Consent form for students
Has a lifespan of 3 years and must be used for:
- UiO's website
- UiO's digital and analogue information channels on campus
- social media