Research group

All research groups that are presented at should use the research group template.

Flexible first page

When you create a new group, you choose the folder type "research group". The folder type automatically includes an index file and suggestions for subfolders. The index file will be the official front page of the research group, and the subfolders will form the categories in the menu on the left.

Write a short text for the front page, and let the users navigate to additional information via the menu. You may add or remove subfolders in accordance with your wishes.

No two research groups are the same, therefore the template allows for different ways of setting up the pages. If you would like a front page for the group with a news focus, you may choose to add pictures in the content field and present news items there.

Norwegian and English

All research groups should have a minimum version in both languages. However all information need not be duplicated. More on language policy for the UiO web (in Norwegian).

Target groups

The main target groups for the research group pages will vary, depending on the strategic aims of your unit as well as on the other communicational activities that are carried out. In the action plan for academics and research on the web we have defined four main target groups for research news and research information:

  • Researchers and students nationally and internationally
  • Partners, for instance research and educational institutions as well as business - nationally and internationally
  • The general audience with interest and some prior knowledge
  • The media

 As a rule of thumb, the group's front page shall be accessible and understandable for all target groups. Pages futher down in the structure may have more specific target groups, such as the group's participants or other researcher colleagues. Language and accessibility can be adjusted thereafter.

Creating a new research group

  • Choose  "new folder" and the template "research group".
  • Enter a sensible file name on the folder based on the name of the research group.


  • Go to the folder and add the title of the folder, the same as the name of the research group. You can do this under the tab "about the folder". For the group to be correctly displayed in menues this is a necessary step.
  • Make sure that you make full use of the features of the research group folder. An important one is that you can add participants' UiO usernames onto the index file. The file then will link up with their personal presentations:


    Published Jan. 4, 2011 1:58 PM - Last modified Nov. 18, 2022 7:09 PM