Research project

All research projects that are to be presented at should use the research project template.

When you create a new project, choose the folder type ?research project?. The folder type automatically includes an index file and suggestions for subfolders. The index file will be the official front page of the research project, and the subfolders will form the categories in the menu on the left.

Flexible front page

Write a short text for the front page, and let the users find additional information via the menu. You may add or remove subfolders in accordance with your wishes.

No two research groups are the same, therefore the template allows for different ways of setting up the pages. If you wish a front page for the group with a news focus, you may choose to add pictures in the content field and present news items here.

Norwegian and English

All research projects should have a minimum presentation on the web in each language. However all information need not be duplicated. More on language policy for the UiO web (Norwegian).

Target groups

The main target groups for the research project pages will vary, depending on the strategic aims of your unit as well as on the forms of other communicational activities that are carried out. In the action plan for academics and research on the web we have defined four main target groups for research news and research information:

  • Researchers and students nationally and internationally
  • Partners, for instance research and educational institutions as well as business - nationally and internationally
  • The general audience with interest and some priore knowledge to the subjects
  • The media

 As a rule of thumb, the project's front page shall be accessible and understandable for all target groups. Pages further down in the structure may have more specific target groups, such as the project's participants or other researcher colleagues. Language and accessibility can be adjusted thereafter.

Creating a new research project

  • Choose  "new folder" and the template "research project"
  • Enter a sensible file name on the folder based on the name of the research Project.
  • Go to the folder and add the title of the folder, the same as the name of the research project. You can do this under the tab "about the folder". For the project to be correctly displayed in menus this is a necessary step.
  • Go to the tab "Content" and decide whether you need the sub folders:
  • News Use this if you need to publish news about the project on a regular basis. Each news item should be published using the article template.
  • Events If you need to make events known to the public. Each event should be published with the event template
  • Publications Use this if you would like to make publications from project participants known. Should be used for key publications only, as one may go to the FRIDA database to find a complete list of publications.
  • Content from the folders may be displayed in the right column on the project's front page. This is set up in the project template via the function "subscribe to RSS feeds".
  • Delete the folders you do not need. If you need more or other categories in your menu you must create new subfolders. Larger projects may need sub folders such as: Work Packages/About/Internal/Contact.
  • Edit the project front page (index.html) and fill in the fields and the content fields under the suggested headings in accordance with the guidelines listed below.
  • In the field "subscribe to RSS feeds" you must remember to remove links to RSS feeds or folders you deleted under point 5 and add links to new folders you may have created.
  • For every folder you now have listed under RSS feeds, the web address must be updated so that it links to the correct department and the right research project.


The name of the project should be no longer than five words long. If your research project has an official name which is not accessible to all our target groups, we suggest that you make a meaningful title in this context. The official name can be entered in the text "about the project" further down on the page. The title should have trigger words which makes the reader want to read on and which generates hits on search engines. Remember that the tilte is more important for search motors than the rest of the page.


Here you indicate whether the project is concluded or ongoing. The information will not show on the project web page, but will determine in which context the project is listed elsewhere on the web site. As owner of the document you are responsible for changing the status of the project once it is concluded.


The introduction should state what what the focus, subject matter of the research is, as well as state its main aims. A good introduction should be no more than 25 words long.

Image and caption

You decide whether you want to add an image. If you do, the recommended sizes for images on are 300 x 225, 507 x 338 or 200 x 150 pixels. You will need to edit your images to one of these sizes in a suitable programme such as Photoshop or an open office application.


Take the suggested paragraph titles and general set-up as given in the template as your starting point. Remove or add titles and content in order to make the template serve your particular project. If you wish a greater focus on news, you may choose to add news stories in the content field.

The suggested titles are:

  • About the project
  • Aims
  • Results
  • Background
  • Work packages
  • Financing
  • Partners
  • Tools


You may find it useful to list all the participants in the project. Participants who are employed by the University of Oslo should be added witht heir user name. Then their personal presentation will be linked to the research group page automatically. If you have participants which are based elsewhere, you may add their names and link to the personal presentation provided by their own institution.


See own guidelines for tags (forthcoming).

Subscribe to RSS feeds

Here you may choose to add RSS feeds from either subfolders in the left menue or other RSS feeds, for instance:

  • News from the project
  • Participants' blogs
  • Other academically relevant blogs, wikis etc.
  • The template is set up to display these in the right column.

Are you unclear about anything?

Do not hesitate to contact 



Published Oct. 20, 2010 4:56 PM - Last modified Nov. 18, 2022 7:09 PM