Norwegian version of this page

Setting up a research project page

Guide for creating and setting up a page for a research project on UiO's website.

This guide is intended for web editors setting up a new project page in Vortex and publishers responsible for adding information to the template.

It applies to the updated version of the research project template, implemented from March 2023. Some of the functionality described here is not relevant to project pages set up in the previous version of the research project template.

For suggestions on how project pages can be used and updated during a research project, see separate pages for guidelines for allocation and management and advice for communication through the project page.

Creating a project folder

When creating a new page for a project, select the folder type "Research project" in Vortex. New folders for research projects should be placed in the /prosjekter/ (Norwegian) and /projects/ (English) folders under the /research/ menu folder on the unit's website.

Folder name

UiO's faculties/museums may have different routines for naming folders for project pages, so make sure to name the project follows your unit's routine. Generally, avoid uppercase letters, special characters and spaces in folder and file names. Hyphens should be used to separate words.

Language versions

All research projects should have web pages in both Norwegian and English. You do not need to mirror all the information in both languages, but there is a minimum requirement for each language version. See further explanation in the language guidelines for (in Norwegian).

Default folder contents

The folder you create automatically includes an index file of type "Research project," which becomes the project site's main or front page.

The folder also contains a published image folder and two unpublished folders for events and news.

The folders for events and news should only be kept if the project plans on using these formats regularly; otherwise, they should be deleted. See also recommendations for using news on project pages.

Filling out content fields in the project template

We go through the content fields of the project template as they are sorted in the editor interface, with guidelines for filling out each field.

Note: The page must have the visual profile "Back link" (not "Left menu") to avoid disruptions of the top image.

Project title

The project title should be limited to around 50 characters to ensure good readability.

If the research project has an official name that is longer than 50 characters and/or is not comprehensible to individuals outside the field, we recommend considering an alternative title for the page. The full name of the project can be included in the project description further down on the page.

Also, remember that the title is more important for search engines than the rest of the content on the website. If the project is associated with words or phrases with a high search volume, it may be wise to include them in the title.

Short name/acronym

This field is filled in for projects with acronyms/short names. The acronym is prominently displayed on the page, in a universally designed and clearly visible format. 

Note that the acronym/short title is listed together with the project title in project lists on the website and by search engines.

Project status

The status field determines whether the project page is categorised under ongoing or completed projects on the unit's website. New projects pages have "Ongoing" as their default status.

When the project is completed, the status should be changed to "completed". The page will then feature a visible status field at the top of the page indicating that the project is completed, and the page will be sorted in a list of completed projects.


Indicating the project's duration signals relevance and makes it easy for users to see where in the lifecycle a project is. The duration can be adjusted as needed throughout the project period.

The field for duration is not mandatory to fill out, but we strongly recommend using it and at least include a start date.

Note that the duration field is not linked to the status field (see above), so projects will not be automatically marked and sorted as "completed" even if the end date has passed.


The introduction should convey what the research project is about and the main goal of the project. It should not exceed 160 characters.

Detailed information can be included in the content field further down on the page, or on subpages for projects that have a more extensive structure.

Top image

Two options are available for displaying an image on top of the project page:

  1. A full-width background image that appears behind the title and acronym field.
  2. An image at regular text width that is displayed below the title, introduction and duration.

For option 1, you should check "Use as background image at the top of the page" in the editor interface.

Recommended image sizes

  • The recommended size for images used as a header image at the top of the page is 1395x514 pixels (279:103 aspect ratio). On mobile, the image is cropped to a 4:3 aspect ratio, so the main subject should be located near the center of the image.
  • If the image is to be displayed below the introduction, the recommended size is 1000x562 pixels (16:9 aspect ratio).

According to UiO's guidelines for brand architecture, research projects should not design their own logo. Along with the acronym field, the header image can be used to mark the project's identity at the top of the page.

Images that are displayed in full width should be of good quality. For those who have local photographers or photo experts available, we recommend taking a good picture specifically for the project page. The subject of the image could be important details from laboratories, field activities, excerpts from relevant manuscripts, etc. Posed group photos are not recommended.

It's also an option to not include an image at the top of the project page. For projects that primarily use the page for direct communication with a known and limited audience, this can be a good alternative.

See also: Guidelines for using images on UiO's website

    Contact persons

    All projects should include contact information, and you can enter up to three contact persons at the top of the project page.

    All contact persons, both UiO employees and external contacts, are registered by entering their full name, affiliation, link to their personal page, and role. 

    Some tips for registration:

    • For pictures of UiO employees, enter the image URL from the person's profile.
    • If external contacts should be displayed with a picture, you can upload it to the images folder. The recommended size for the portrait image is 400x300 pixels (3:4 aspect ratio). The face should be placed in the upper half of the image.
    • If the project has different contact persons for different target audiences, use the "role" field strategically to indicate who should be contacted for different types of inquiries (e.g., "principal investigator", "press contact," "administration officer," etc.).
    • If you want to display contact persons without a picture, simply leave the image URL field empty.
    • Alternative text for images of contact persons is generated automatically.

    If there is a need to enter other types of contact information, such as physical location or mailing address, this can be handled under the main content or in the field for secondary content towards the bottom of the page.

    Navigation menu

    Project pages with subpages can use a navigation menu, which is displayed below the contact persons. 

    There is no field for setting up the menu in the editor interface: The menu appears automatically if the project page has subfolders set to be displayed in menus. If the project has subfolders but does not want a navigation menu, simply hide the folders in the menus as usual (check "Yes" for "Hide in menus" under the folder's "Edit" tab).

    Main content

    In the main content field, you present the project in more detail. The way this is structured can vary, but we recommend covering the following: 

    • About the project: a brief summary of your research focus
    • Goals: A summary of the research goals, including potential for innovation where relevant.
    • Background: For instance theoretical foundations, methodology, previous research the project builds on, etc.

    Sub-projects, methods, and tools may also be relevant topics to include for some projects. 

    We recommend keeping the paragraphs short, around 100–200 words per topic. The texts should be written in a way that ensures even readers who are not familiar with the field get a basic understanding of what the project is about. 

    For project pages that have subpages containing detailed information and a navigation menu, the amount of text on the front page should be limited.


    In this field, you list the participants in the project. You can list as many participants as you like.

    For participants who are employed at UiO:

    • Enter the participant's UiO username. Name, picture, and affiliation are filled in automatically. 
    • If you want to specify the role of the participants in the overview, enter this next to the username field.
    • Use the up and down buttons to adjust the order of the participants as needed.
    • Alternative text for images is generated automatically. 

    For external project participants: 

    • Under "External participants," fill in the name, affiliation, and link to the participant's personal page.
    • If you want to display external participants with a picture, upload a portrait photo to the images folder. The recommended size for the portrait image is 400x300 pixels (3:4 aspect ratio). The face should be placed in the upper half of the image. Make sure the participant has the right to use the image.
    • Alternative text for images of external participants is generated automatically. 
    • Use the up and down buttons to sort the order of the external participants. Note that it is not possible to sort external participants before UiO participants. In cases where it is very important to list external participants first in the overview, UiO participants need to be registered in the same way as external participants. 

    It is optional whether the participants should be displayed with or without a picture. You adjust this through the "Show participant pictures" feature which is located under the external participants field. The setting applies to both internal and external participants.

    Feeds for news and events

    For projects that regularly publish news about the project and/or regularly hold events, it may be relevant to include an event feed and/or news feed on the project page. 

    Feeds are activated by selecting "Yes" for one or both of "Events feed" and "News feed" in the editor interface.

    If you choose "Yes," you will be prompted to fill in the desired title for the feed. You also choose whether you want to place the respective feed above or below the main text field. 

    The feeds for events and news retrieve documents from the folders "events" and "news" created with the project folder. This cannot be changed. 

    Management of the feeds should be part of the ongoing administration of the project page, to ensure that empty headlines do not remain visible on the main page. 


    In the same way as on personal pages on UiO's website, it is possible to retrieve publications from Cristin on the project page. Only projects funded by the Research Council of Norway (NFR) can use this feature. This is due to a limitation in the Cristin service. 

    To retrieve publications from Cristin, you must enter the NFR project number in the designated field.

    Screenshot of checkbox to display publications in Cristin

    Projects without NFR financing can use the "Show selected publications" feature to register publications manually on the main page: See tips for registering publications on project pages


    To make it easy to enter mandatory information about funding, the project template includes a separate setup for entering information about EU and NFR funding.

    • Select "Yes" for the funding type that apply (EU or NFR). 
    • For EU projects, choose the main type (ERC, Horizon Europe fully or partially funded, Marie Sk?odowska-Curie Actions). For ERC projects, you also need to fill in the project acronym and project number. 
    • For NFR projects, enter the project number.

    The labelling that appears on the page complies with current requirements from the EU and NFR. If you wish to add additional information about the grants or list other sources of funding, use the "Other information about funding" field.

    Note that Marie Sk?odowska-Curie Actions use the same labeling as Horizon Europe. According to EU guidelines, The emblem with Marie Sk?odowska-Curie should not be used in the marking of projects

    The EU disclaimer is displayed with English text but is tagged as English in the Norwegian version to comply with universal design requirements.


    In this field, you can list any external collaborators in the project. Collaborators can be displayed as link lists; if there are more than 3-4 collaborators, we recommend splitting the list into two or three columns for a good balance on desktop

    If you wish to list partners with logos, you should use the <ul class="collaboration-part-of"> function. 

    • In source view, input <ul class="collaboration-part-of">
    • Also in source view, input the desired number of bullet points (<li>) on this form:      
      <li><a href="[link to institution]"><img alt="Logo for [name of institution]" height="X" src="[link to image file]" /> width="Y" </a></li>
    • Fill in the fields in bold with the relevant links/text/sizes, What sizes to set for height and width, depend on the format of the logo. For rectangular logos, a height of 50 is a good starting point; the width should be adjusted accordingly to maintain proportions. For taller logos, the height can be set to 100. 
    • Finish with </ul>

    Readymade list items for commonly used logos

    For convenience, we have collected logos for all the Norwegian universities and Oslo University Hospital (OUS), and set up list items than can be pasted directly into the collaboration field. 

    University of Oslo (UiO)

          <li><a href="/english/"><img alt="Logo for UiO" height="50" src="/english/about/designmanual/profile-elements/logo/partner-logos/uio-logo-en.png" width="162" /></a></li>

    University of Bergen (UiB)

        <li><a href=""><img alt="Logo for UiB" height="50" src="/english/about/designmanual/profile-elements/logo/partner-logos/uib-logo-en.png" width="159" /></a></li>

    Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)

        <li><a href=""><img alt="logo: Norwegian University of Science and Technology – NTNU" height="30" src="/om/designmanual/profilelementer/logo/partnerlogoer/ntnu-logo-no.png" width="163" /></a></li>

    Oslo Metropolitan University (OsloMet)

        <li><a href=""><img alt="Logo for OsloMet" height="114" src="/om/designmanual/profilelementer/logo/partnerlogoer/oslo-met-logo-no.svg" width="249" /></a></li>

    Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU)

        <li><a href=""><img alt="Logo for Norwegian University of Life Sciences – NMBU" height="75" src="/english/about/designmanual/profile-elements/logo/partner-logos/nmbu-logo-en.png" width="203" /></a></li>


          <li><a href=""><img alt="Logo for University of Troms?" height="50" src="/english/about/designmanual/profile-elements/logo/partner-logos/uit-logo-en.png" width="272" /></a></li>

    University of Agder

        <li><a href=""><img alt="Logo for University of Agder - UiA" height="50" src="/english/about/designmanual/profile-elements/logo/partner-logos/uia-logo-en.jpg" width="201" /></a></li>

    University of South-Eastern Norway

        <li><a href=""><img alt="Logo for University of South-Eastern Norway – USN" height="40" src="/english/about/designmanual/profile-elements/logo/partner-logos/usn-logo-en.png" width="228" /></a></li>

    University of Stavanger

    <li><a href=""><img alt="Logo for University of Stavanger" height="120" src="/english/about/designmanual/profile-elements/logo/partner-logos/uis-logo-en.png" width="106" /></a></li>

    Nord University

        <li><a href=""><img alt="Logo for Nord University" height="50" src="/english/about/designmanual/profile-elements/logo/partner-logos/nord-logo-en.png" width="141" /></a></li>

    Oslo University Hospital

        <li><a href=""><img alt="Logo for Oslo University Hospital" height="35" src="/english/about/designmanual/profile-elements/logo/partner-logos/ous-logo-en.webp" width="333" /></a></li>

    If you have suggestions for other commonly used logos that should be included, the web editor for the faculty/museum can send an email about this to

    Lines for English versions of the logos will be available soon.

    Field for related content

    This field can be used to include content that is not covered by other content fields and is not desired to be placed in the main content field. Before posting anything here, it's a good idea to consider if the content truly adds value to the page.


    Main page for research project pages

    Published July 12, 2024 11:59 AM - Last modified Jan. 19, 2025 6:08 PM