Project management templates
The project framework consists of five mandatory project management templates that are adapted to the individual project.
- Mandate for the Concept Phase (word)
- Project Description (word)
- Project Plan (ppt) (save local copy to see graphic elements)
General resources
Get an overview of the entire process and become familiar with concepts and professional literature.
Tools and scripts
The project framework does not prescribe the use of tools, and project managers are free to choose as needed. This overview provides examples of some of the most important tools used in projects.
- Planning, directions and planning templates:
- Directing a planning meeting in the project group (ppt) (Norwegian)
- Gantt chart workbook broken up into milestones (excel)
- Milestones, Activities, Personnel Resources (excel) (Norwegian)
- Milestones, Result Sprints, Responsibility Map, Risk Assessment (excel) (Norwegian)
- Phases, Milestones, Activities (excel) (Norwegian)
- Milestones, Activities, People and Progress - scalable (excel) (Norwegian)