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Purchases, invoices, and travel and expense refunds at IMV

Reimbursements must follow the UiO Procurement Routine.

Purchases made by the finance section


  • We must receive notice at least 1 week before an order is to be sent from the University to the goods or service provider
  • We kindly ask you to submit purchase requests via the online form below as early as possible, preferably as soon as you know there is a need for goods or services
  • When filling in the online form, have the cost allocation code at hand, and if applicable the project code. Please contact the Head of Administration if you do not know which codes to use

Ordinary purchases

Submit your order

  • All orders of goods and/or services must be placed by the purchase officers via UiO's purchase management system
  • Cost allocation code (delprosjekt), and if applicable the project code must be stated along with the request, as well as the Department code 14400000 (kostnadssted)
  • Should your request not fit into one of the categories in the online form, please use the option "Other" and include a description of the goods/services requested. The same field can be used for questions or adding comments 
  • You will always receive a confirmation that your request has been registered, and you will be contacted by one of the purchase officers in the Finance Section if additional information is required

IT and AV equipment

To purchase IT og AV equipment, follow the UiO Procurement Routine. Once your order has been granted, send an e-mail with your request to

Tuning of pianos, grand pianos, harpsicord and fortepiano

Requests on tuning instruments should be directed to Aleksander Tidemann.

Purchases you can do on your own

Travels and hotels for employees


Travel reimbursement

How do I submit hard copy travel and expense reimbursement claims?

  • Send by post to Department of Musicology, P.O. Box 1017, Blindern, 0315 Oslo
  • Put your claim on the shelf marked "Refusjoner og reiseregninger" in the mailroom on the second floor of the ZEB building

Payments to foreign accounts

If the payment is to be made to a foreign bank account, a hard copy of the form for payments abroad must be filled in and submitted along with the reimbursement claim.

Travels and hotels for guests

To make travel arrangements on behalf of other UiO employees or guests, the staff member must have the role of "travel booker" in the system. More on how to book travel arrangements for guests.


See the UiO Procurement Routine for books.

Business cards 

  • Are ordered directly via the University Print Centre's online portal
  • In the shopping cart you enter your personal cost allocation code, if applicable the project code, in addition to choosing "14400000 Department of Musicology" under "Other information"
Published June 6, 2019 10:22 AM - Last modified June 3, 2024 2:01 PM