Norwegian version of this page

Frequently asked questions

Here you will find answers to frequently asked questions about Forskpro.

Is there an English version?

There is no English version of the database containing all the projects. However, there is an English version of the registration form and you can also edit an existing project in the same form. Select language in the top right corner of the form. To access the form, first login. Then either find your existing project in the Forskpro database or click "Registrer nytt prosjekt".

Screenshot showing language selector

Who can access uploaded documents?

Only you, Faculty management, Institute management, the Faculty coordinator for Forskpro and select executive officers can see uploaded documents. 

How do I register a project?

Go to Forskpro - forskningsprosjektregisteret. If you are not already logged in, log in using UiO username and password. Once you are logged in, click "Registrer nytt prosjekt". The registration form will open and you will be able to select language in the top right corner. 

Screenshot of starting page Forskpro form


  1. Fill in title.
  2. Project manager is set to be the same as the registrant, but you can always choose another employee at UiO. 
  3. Responsible unit is automatically set to whichever unit the project manager is employer at. You can change that too, should the project operate from a different unit. 
  4. Answer remaining questions.
  5. Click "Create".

The project is now published in the database and you can fill in neccessary information. Upload project descriotion, data management plan and other relevant Documents. Only you, Faculty management, Institute management, the Faculty coordinator for Forskpro and select executive officers can see uploaded documents. 

The next page of the form, "Approvals", require you to answer which approvals and assessments the project has received. 

If the project doesn't process personal data and is not Health research, there is no second page. You can upload any document you should have under "Project description with attachments" 

How are projects imported from NSD?

Starting september 2020 projects that are assesed by NSD (Norwegian Centre for Research Data) will automatically be published in Forskpro. You will receive an email when this happens if your name is filled in to the "Project leader"-field in NSD. However, projects set at The Faculty of Medicine and The Faculty of Dentistry, should always be registered in Forskpro before applying to NSD, so these projects can't be automatically imported. They should use manual import (described further down in FAQ section). 


Manually import from NSD

Starting september, you can import project information from NSD to an already existing Forskpro project. The data from NSD will overwrite some Forskpro fields, and will also copy all documents uploaded to NSD. How to manually import from NSD:

  1. Log into Forskpro - forskningsprosjektregisteret.
  2. Find your project and click "Rediger"
  3. The first question in the form is "Retrieve project data from NSD". Choose "Yes" and submit your 6-digit NSD registration number. Confirm by clicking "Retrieve". 
  4. If you regret it, go back to the question and choose "No" and confirm by clicking "Retrieve". That will restore the original Forskpro content.

Duplicates - when a project exists in Forskpro prior to NSD assessment

In a few cases the project leader will register their project in Forskpro prior to receiving NSD assessment. After NSD assessment the project is automatically imported to Forskpro and the project leader receives an email stating that the project is ready to be published in Forskpro. This would lead to duplicate projects in Forskpro. To avoid duplicates, we recommend following these steps: 

  1. follow the project link in the notification email to delete the Forskpro project that has been imported from NSD.
  2. edit the old Forskpro project, answer "Yes" to the question "Retrieve project data from NSD" and submit your 6-digit NSD registration number. Confirm by clicking "Retrieve". 

NOTE: The Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Dentistry have chosen to turn off the automatic import, so they will not experience problems with duplicates. 

What project data is imported from NSD? 

Fields populated from NSD

The data from NSD overwrites the Forskpro data. You will not be able to change these fields. Should you want to, you edit your Forskpro project and choose "No" on the question of retrieving data from NSD. Then you will be able to edit all the fields, but you will loose the information and all the uploaded documents from NSD.

  • Project title
  • Project manager (project leader)
  • Responsible unit
  • Project type
  • Does the project process personal data? yes/no
  • Time period
  • Project summary

Attachments from NSD

Attachments that you already have in Forskpro will not disappear, but your NSD attachments will be added. Only you, Faculty management, Institute management, the Faculty coordinator for Forskpro and select executive officers can see uploaded documents. 

  • Notification form (NSD application)
  • Assessment from NSD
  • All other documents uploaded to NSD


Published July 29, 2020 9:36 AM - Last modified Feb. 15, 2023 11:43 AM