HORIZON EUROPE 2021-2027: EU research funding

Check funding opportunities and find your call in the EU framework programme. Realize your research ideas step by step through the process from application to closing of the project. Find facts and success stories about EU funding at UiO, and see who you can contact for help.

Horizon Europe: programmes and opportunities

Horizon Europe, the new Framework Programme for research and innovation, was launched on January 1st 2021. The three-pillar structure with cross-cutting activities from H2020 will be continued, with some adjustments to areas and instruments.

Official documents and the latest news can be found on the Commission's web page for Horizon Europe

PIC-code for UiO

Horizon Europe: How to do it - advice to applicants and project holders

Horizon Europe was launched in 2021, and information about proposals and how to run granted projects is gathered here. 

  • how to get started
  • application process and budgeting
  • contract and negotiation
  • managing and finalizing the project
  • support for specific areas - ERC and MSCA

Horizon 2020: Management of projects funded under the previous framework programme

Projects funded in the last parts of Horizon 2020 will run for several years yet. These projects are funded under H2020 rules and legislation, and will have to follow these regulations for the projects' lifetime. Information about how to run H2020 projects can be found here.

  • contract and negotiation
  • managing and finalizing the project
  • support for specific areas - ERC and MSCA

Hva betyr Horisont Europa for UiO?

Horisont Europa er EUs niende rammeprogram for forskning og innovasjon, og har ambisjon om ? forme Europas fremtid gjennom verdens st?rste og mest ambisi?se forsknings- og innovasjonssatsing.

 UiOs rektor Svein St?len og prorektor ?se Gornitzka m?ter f?rsteamanuensis Ingrid Lossius Falkum og professor Mats Carlsson i en samtale ledet av senterleder Daniel Naurin, for ? diskutere muligheter og utfordringer ved ? delta p? den europeiske forskningsarena.

EU funded research at UiO

  • UiO's action plan for Horizon Europe
  • Facts and figures about UiO's EU participation
  • Presentation of ERC projects


Events are announced here as soon as they are in place.
, Webinar, link will be sent to participants

News of current interest