Sex and Gender aspects in H2020 proposals

In the proposal template, you are asked to "describe how sex and gender analysis is taken into account in the project's content".  Futhermore, you must ensure that gender balance is encouranged in your research team.These issues must be addressed even if it might seem difficult or irrelevant for your area.

When drafting your proposal, you need to pay attention to gender equality from different angles, in terms of both human resources  - the balance and equal opportunities between women and men in the research teams who will implement your project, and content - analysing and taking into account the possible differences between the sexes, in the research and innovation content of your project.


Gender balance in research teams

When applying for a grant under Horizon 2020, you are encouraged to promote equal opportunities and gender balance at all levels in your teams and in management structures. Applicants should seek at having a balanced participation, as close as possible to 50/50, of both men and women in the teams and among the leading roles.Therefore, gender proportion among the personnel working in the proposal that will be primarily responsible for carrying out the research and/or innovation activities can also be highlighted (% of female or male researchers, administrative staff in the project etc). You might use a graph to show gender presence and numbers of male or female patients involved, and also mention the age range you will target.Explain the reason why a certain number of males and females will be included in the study’s activities, etc. and if this proportion has been determined by some background statistics.

At the evaluation stage, gender balance in staff is one of the ranking factors that come into play to prioritise the proposals above the threshold with same scores. When it is used, evaluators need to compare the shares of men and women in the personnel named in the proposals (in Part B, section 4.1, of the proposal template) and they will rank higher the proposal with the share closer to 50/50.


Gender dimension in the content of research and innovation

When doing a sex/gender analysis, there is a distinction between sex and gender to be taken into account. "Sex" refers to biological characteristics, while "gender" refers to social or cultural factors.

The way sex and/or gender analysis is taken into account in your proposal will be assessed by the evaluators alongside the other relevant aspects of the proposal. This is even more important if you submit your proposal to a topic where gender-related issues are explicitly mentioned.

A topic is considered gender relevant when it can be expected that its findings affect women and men or groups of women and men differently. In these cases, applicants should integrate gender issues and, when relevant specific studies, as part of the proposals. This is what is called the gender dimension in research and innovation content. Addressing the gender dimension will contribute to the scientific quality and societal relevance of the produced knowledge, technology and innovation.


For more information, the Commission has a section about gender equality on the H2020 Online Manual

See also the other useful resources at the right hand of this page.

Tags: gender, Gender equality, gender balance, Horizon 2020
Published Jan. 11, 2021 12:50 PM - Last modified Feb. 18, 2025 11:08 AM