The call for ERC 2024 Consolidator grant is expected to open in October and have a deadline on December 12th, 2023. This seminar will prepare applicants for applying for this call.
At the seminar we will address ERC and panel specifics for the scientific proposal and Principal Investigator, and how to write a proposal fitting the ERC objectives. As from the 2024 calls, ERC is implementing changes to both the structure of the proposal and the evaluation procedure. These changes will be addressed in detail during the seminar.
The seminar will be of value for applicants who want to submit a proposal for the ERC StG call as well as for support staff.
This seminar is held in cooperation with The Research Council of Norway and Yellow Research. The information will be given in English.
The event will be held as a webinar with two sessions and a lunch break. Registered participants will receive a link to the zoom webinar before the event.
Registration and full programme