Key terminology for the EEA and Norway Grants

This list explains the main terms that you will come across in the context of the the EEA and Norway Grants.


  • Beneficiary country: The 15 EU countries that receive funding from the EEA and Norway Grants.
  • Donor country: Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein are the donor countries for the EEA Grants. Norway is the donor country for Norway Grants.
  • Donor project partner - a project partner from one of the donor countries.
  • Donor programme partner - an entity from a donor state, which has two main tasks in the Grants: Collaboration with a programme operator in all stages of the programme, and providing advice to donor project partners.
  • Programme operator - the entity in a beneficiary state that manages a Grants programme. The tasks of the operators include programme design, information, launching open calls, selection of projects, payments and monitoring.
  • Project promoter - is the project coordinator.  The project promoter is responsible for project applications and, if successful, enters in to a contract with the programme operator. Project promoters have to be from  a beneficiary state, i.e. the donor partner in a project does not fulfil the role of project promoter.


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Published Mar. 12, 2018 9:00 AM - Last modified Apr. 3, 2018 2:01 PM