NORHED application

Update July 1

The UiO NORHED Team wishes all UiO applicants the best of luck and hope that as many as possible of your projects are granted funding.

Our NORHED e-mail,, will continue to exist, but e-mails to this address will not be read in July, since all team members will be on vacation this month.

We wish you all a nice and relaxing summer!

Update June 26

Update from NORAD: Extended dealine until Monday 29 June 13:00 

As the technical issues unfortunately seem to persist, Norad is hereby extending the application deadline until Monday 29 June, CEST 13:00.

The issue seems to be related to many users working in the portal at the same time. We have now increased the server capacity. To avoid the same issue reoccurring on Monday, we strongly encourage you to finalise and submit your applications as soon as the portal allows.

A submitted application may still be reopened and edited until the extended deadline is expired. In such case, please note that an application that is reopened must be resubmitted. 

Update June 25

All inquiries regarding tecnical issues in the grants portal must be directed to

Update June 23

Please note that the deadline is June 26th (Friday) at 1 pm (13:00) CET. 

Important: The application must be submitted by the person registered as the contact person in the Grants Portal. If this person is not the Norwegian project Coordinator, please make sure that the contact person is available for sumitting the application before the deadline. 

Please upload all documents as early as possible and submit your application as soon as it's complete. There will be huge pressure on NORAD's server around the deadline.

Update June 18

Se updated instructions from NORAD on 'how to invite users to collaborate on your application' 

Update June 17

See updated text suggestions for the section "Routines, systems, experience" in the application form. Text suggestions

Updated June 10

See updated information from NORAD (email sent on June 5 to all registered users in the grant portal)

See updates on education and student mobility

UiO Letter of Commitment (LoC): Routines for signature:  A   LoC is needed for each NORHED application coordinated by UiO. How to proceed:

1. The LoC for your application must first e signed by your Head of department.

2. Scan the letter.

3. Write the following in the subject field in the e-mail: "NORHED II  Letter of Commitment UiO - signature"

4. Send the e-mail with the LoC to both AND 

5. Deadline:IMPORTANT! The LoC MUST have reached us by June 22 by the very latest in order to be signed by the University Director.

The LoC will therafter be returned to you, duly signed.

Please note that our LoC template is intended for projects coordinated by the UiO. If you are representing UiO as a partner in a project coordinated by another institution, you also need a LoC, but we don't have a specific template for partner LoCs. You may use the UiO LoC with adjustments or you may follow instructions from your coordinator. UiO partner LoCs must be submitted to our office in the same way as UiO LoCs (see above), but please include some brief information about the project coordinator, partners, sub-programme and project title.  

See template for UiO's Letter of Commitment (LoC) and an overview of elements which must be included in partners LoC. Please refer to page 5 of the Application Guidelines, under Additional Information. 

How to give your partners access to the application in the Grants Portal: First, your partner(s) must register in the portal. After that, you access your application and invite them in through "Collaboration" (one of the blue "flags" above the application).

Standard text suggestions for parts of the section ?Routines, systems, experience? under ?Information about the applicant organization” in the NORHED application form.

Education and student mobility

When planning to host students for longer or shorter stys in Oslo, it is important that the projects include their education administration and internationalisation coordinators at departmental/Faculty level.

Both master and PhD students from South partners will be granted student rights while in Norway. Administrative procedures regarding incoming students to UiO (Norwegian only) will be applicable for your project. These procedures are crucial to secure visa/residence permit to Norway, student housing and access to courses and university buildings etc.

If the project is planning to host master students and/or PhD candidates for full degree programs at UiO, please consult the relevant programs before submitting your application.

Application procedures

The application deadline has been extended to June 26th at 13:00 CET. Applications must be submitted electronically and in English through the NORAD Grants Portal

Project Coordinators at UiO are asked to register in the portal and link their user to UiO. They will be assigned roles as Restricted User in the Portal by the UiO NORHED Team. Only UiO will be assigned roles in the Grants Portal by the UiO NORHED Team. UiO Project Coordinators can however invite their partners so that they can get access to their joint application in the Grants Portal.


The UiO NORHED Team consists of Trine Merete Kvernmo and Marit Egner, UiO Research Support Office and Tine T?ng Engvik, UiO Educational Quality Office. NORHED Team joint e-mail address:

The NORHED Team answers questions regarding the NORHED Programme, the Call for proposals and the Grants Portal. 

Published Jan. 25, 2021 9:40 AM - Last modified June 24, 2022 12:29 PM