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European Research Council (ERC)

ERC is a funding programme to promote scientific excellence and attract highly-skilled researchers and innovators to Europe.

Bildet kan inneholde: font, sirkel, m?nster, logo, merke.


  1. Calls and deadlines
  2. Incentives
  3. Timeline
  4. Checklist



Upcoming calls and deadlines

You can find out more about the ERC grant schemes and open calls in the ERC website.


Incentives: ERC

KD position

One KD position can be allocated to ERC winners as own contribution in the following cases:

  • All ERC winners (StG, CoG, AdG, SyG) who must finance their main salary from the ERC funds will be assigned a KD position. The KD position (PhD candidate) must be included into the project plan at the time of application.
  • ERC projects with significant experimental costs can be assigned a KD position upon application. The application is prepared by the EU team and approved by the Dean's office. The KD position (PhD candidate) must be included into the project plan at the time of application.

Read more about MN's main principles for awarding KD positions here

Project Establishment Support (PES funding)

An MN researcher who is the Corresponding PI in an ERC Synergy Grant application is eligible to apply for the MN PES funding to prepare the application. You can see examples of activities that are supported by these funds and the guidelines for applying for them here:

MN PES funding website

Career development

All ERC winners who have a temporary position at the MN Faculty are offered a 20% position as senior lecturer at the host department during the project period. It should be clarified whether the applicant wants this part time position before submitting the application.


Timeline for ERC applicants

This indicative timeline is aimed at Starting and Consolidator Grant applicants, but also applies for Advanced Grant applicants. If this timeline is followed, we guarantee the following application support. Relevant events for ERC applicants will be announced here:

Events website

Timing Proposal stage
>8 months before deadline Pitch and discussion of the core idea locally in the research group
8 months before deadline

Contact your Head of Department/Centre and ask for approval to apply

Let the EU Team know you are planning to apply

First meeting: idea development and ERC relevance

4 months before deadline

First draft of B1 and B2 ready

Comments from the EU team within two weeks

2 months before deadline

Second draft of B1 and B2 ready (80-90% finished)

Review within two weeks (internal or external)

4 weeks before deadline

First budget draft ready

Start the application in the EU Funding & Tenders Portal and add the EU Team 

3 weeks before deadline

Budget finalized and sent for approval

2 weeks before deadline EU Team requests host letter (mandatory attachment) once the budget is approved
1 week before deadline Part A and other formalia in the EU Funding & Tenders Portal finalized
3-4 days before deadline Trial submission
Deadline day Final submission (if necessary)


Checklist for ERC

Internal checklist for research advisers, project economists, and others, with recommendations and things to remember in the ERC application process.

[Update in progress. Contact the EU Team for more information]



Published Dec. 20, 2024 1:18 PM - Last modified Mar. 7, 2025 10:36 AM