Norwegian version of this page

Marie Sk?odowska-Curie Actions

[The guidelines are being revised, please refer to the Norwegian page for the most up to date version.]

The MN Faculty's incentives for MSCA applicants are:

1. MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships

MSCA European Postdoctoral Fellowships are for up to two* years, while the recommended policy at UiO is three-year postdoctoral positions.

Successfully granted MSCA fellows of the European Postdoctoral Fellowship with MN as host institution, will be offered an additional year funded by the MN Faculty, provided that they have applied for 24 months funding and can be employed in a postdoctoral fellowship position.

*2,5 years for those including a non-academic placement period


2. MSCA Doctoral Networks

MSCA Doctoral Networks and taken on the role as a coordinator?

As a coordinator of a Doctoral Network you are eligible to apply for the MN PES-support on the same terms as other EU collaborative projects.

Published June 21, 2021 11:12 AM - Last modified Jan. 21, 2025 9:32 AM