Norwegian version of this page

KD-position to ERC winners

[The guidelines are being revised, please refer to the Norwegian page for the most up to date version.]

A KD position can in special cases be given to ERC winners (European Research Council).

  • All ERC winners (StG, CoG, AdG, SyG) who must finance their main salary from the ERC funds will be assigned a KD position. The KD position (PhD candidate) must be included into the project plan at the time of application.

  • ERC projects with significant experimental costs can be assigned a KD position upon application. The application is prepared by the EU team and approved by the Dean's office. The KD position (PhD candidate) must be included into the project plan at the time of application.

Read more about MN's main principles for awarding KD positions.


Qualification development

All ERC winners who have a temporary position are offered a 20% position as senior lecturer at the host department during the project period. It should be clarified whether the applicant wants this part time position before submitting the application.

Published Nov. 11, 2019 9:00 AM - Last modified Nov. 30, 2022 10:53 AM