Research Council, Diku etc.





Research project for renewal and development of ICT Research project for renewal and development of ICT ( meet challenges and issues within digital security and sovereignty, next generation data processing/ICT systems, other ICT research areas: artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning and data analysis , software technology, visualization and user interfaces, smart components, robotics and automation, communication technology. NOK 4-12 mill.  Assumed available funds NOK 205,000,000 (17 projects) Project duration 36-96 months. Forskerprosjekt for fornyelse og utvikling av IKT (

AURORA AURORA – forskerutveksling for nytt 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录 mellom Norge og Frankrike 40-100 000 nok AURORA – forskerutveksling for nytt 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录 mellom Norge og Frankrike ( 2024.09.18

Sm?skalapartnarskap Erasmus+ 

Sm?skalapartnarskap (KA210) rettar seg mot s?karar som ?nsker ? ta steget mot eit europeisk 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录 innan utdanning og kompetanseutvikling. Tiltaket passar difor s?rleg for nye og uerfarne s?karar til Erasmus+.Sm?skalapartnarskap Erasmus+ | HK-dir (

NordForsk The overall aim of the call is to support research networks that can provide a broad knowledgebase for strengthening Nordic preparedness and resilience to future crises, including the management of responses. Call for proposals for Nordic Research Networks in Preparedness and Resilience | NordForsk 2024.09.05
HK-dir Vi lyser ut prosjektmidler for ?kt kompetanse om universell utforming som strategi for inkludering i h?yere utdanning. For ? kunne f? st?tte er det et krav at universell utforming er en del av prosjektets m?l eller virkemiddel 2024.09.13

EU-nettverk for siste periode av HE 2025-2027. Nettverkene skal bidra til ? inkludere flere akt?rer fra norsk n?ringsliv og offentlig sektor i s?knader til Horisont Europa. Prosjektene  start i perioden 01.01 - 1.03.2025 og dere m? s?ke om midler fra 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sr?det for 2025-2027. Seneste tillatte prosjektslutt er 29.02.2028. Inntil 1,5 mill. over 3 ?r. 



Senter for forskningsdrevet innovasjon – SFI V – trinn 1 ( Trinn 1 er en ?pen utlysning. M?let er ? velge ut de inntil 30 s?knadene som best svarer p? tydelige, identifiserte behov fra n?ringslivet og er best vurdert etter de vurderingskriteriene som blir bruk p? dette trinnet i utlysningen.   Senter for forskningsdrevet innovasjon – SFI V – trinn 2


Senter for norsk som fagspr?k (  Antatt tilgjengelige midlerKr 120 000 000 for  1 el. 2 sentre Prosjektvarighet 60-96 m?neder. Tematiske omr?der inkl.spr?kteknologi for norsk spr?k 

RCN Researcher Project for Early Career Scientists (FRIPRO) Funding scale NOK 4 -8 mill. project duration36-48 months  Ground-breaking research   Open

Funding for Research Stays Abroad for Doctoral and Postdoctoral Fellows - wholly or partially funded by the Research Council and affiliated with an ongoing project for a period of minimum 24 months.

It is only possible to apply for the fixed rate for research stays abroad,

For postdoctoral research fellows, it is also possible to apply for funding of the postdoctoral fellowship period, please see the Rates for Funding of Fellowships.

The Project Owner may be granted funding for a research stay abroad for the research fellow for 3–12 months.

RCN Researcher Project for Experienced Scientists (FRIPRO) Funds for ea. 54 projects. Funding scale: NOK 4-12 mil.Project duration:36-96 months Open

Pilot-helse : Koordinerings- og st?tteaktivitet. Aktuelle temaomr?der: Helse  M?lgrupperOffentlig sektor, N?ringsliv, 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sorganisasjon.Forprosjekt til Pilot Helse (



RCN Prosjektetablering og mobilisering for ? utvikle forskningsbasert kunnskap som kan bidra til en bedre og mer effektiv offentlig sektor ( Up to NOK 150' to establish projects Open

亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录 og innovasjon for ? styrke b?rekraften i kommunale helse- og omsorgstjenester ( Godkjente norske forskningsorganisasjoner, kommuner/fylkeskommuner, n?ringsliv, frivillige organisasjoner og andre akt?rer som er relevante for prosjektet kan delta som 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录spartnere og motta st?tte.  


NOK 1 billion will be announced in June-2024 for innovation projects in companies and for piloting new technology including Demonstration Projects for the Industrial Sector.


Support for public events NOK 50-150 000 St?tte til arrangement ( 

NFR Infrastruktur. St?tte til medlemskap i European Open Science Cloud Association.  (inntil 10 000 euro) per ?r/ ny s?knad hvert ?r dere er medlem EOSC AISBL. Open
CAS CAS Research grantst  for established researchers. Recipients of a CAS Research Grant can invite scholars from all around the world, at any stage of their academic career, to participate in their project. CAS Research Grant | CAS ( NOK 3,2 mill. Next call will be announced in June 2024.  2024 
NFR Funding for Research Stays Abroad for Doctoral and Postdoctoral Fellows ( financed by RCN projects  + Project managers for young talents projects FRIPRO Open

Top-up Financing of MSCA and HFSP Fellows This call has an open-ended deadline, and we encourage you to apply as soon as you have been notified that you will be receive MSCA or HFSP funding ( better financial conditions). Funding scale: NOK 250 000-1 500 000 Project duration: 12-48 months 


UiO Energy

Seed funding for research and research collaboration UiO:Energy and Environment announces seed funding for research and research collaboration within sustainable energy, climate and environment. Priority will be given to initiatives that support international cooperation and participation in larger research collaborations.max nok 400 000 


UiO Energy UiO:Energy and Environment offers financial support for international mobility and collaboration within the field of sustainable energy, climate and environment. Students/fellows/researchers at UiO may apply for grants covering research and competence-increasing activities or attendance at relevant conferences abroad, or, courses or short-term visits to international research groups lasting from two to eight weeks. within 2024
UiO Energy UiO:Energy and Environment announces funding for the development of courses within the fields of sustainable energy, climate and environment. within 2024
UiO Energy Call for funding incoming internships - UiO:Energy and Environment within 2024

Call for applications for research groups UiO:Democracy invites applications for interdisciplinary research groups. In this round, we are able to fund  two to three research groups with one to three million NOK per project in addition to a PhD position. 


Forte SE Future calls for proposals - Forte (English) Open
RCN Human Frontier Science Program ( Life Science , see also RCN web page about HFSP HFSP – Human Frontier Science Programme (  

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NORAM - Norge Amerika foreningen



NIH Grants & Funding website | .  PI from US 

US Grant Opportunities | Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation  
US Funding: Grants and Ventures That Support CZI's Mission ( Chan Zuckerberg  
HFSP Human Frontier Science Program ( Life Science , see also RCN web page about HFSP HFSP – Human Frontier Science Programme (  
Merck Research Grants - Research | Merck (  

scientifyRESEARCH research funding database -focus women in research




Published Mar. 15, 2023 1:38 PM - Last modified Sep. 3, 2024 12:41 PM