Research Council, Diku etc.




US Peder Sather Grants Peder Sather grants can support activities such as workshops, mini-conferences, virtual intellectual exchanges, the undertaking of exploratory and pilot studies, activities such as PhD student exchanges, longer-term stays for principal investigators, the collection and analysis of data, and other core research activities. Funds for 2 academic years, minimum  $550,000 available for projects each year /each grant between $10K and $25K. Peder Sather Grant Application Guidelines 2025-2026 | Peder Sather Center 2025-04-07
AXA Funds

The AXA Chair: It aims at creating a full-time academic position in the host institution and fostering a step change in the career of the appointed AXA Professor. Funds: 200.000€ per annum in 5 yrs  Level PhD + min. 10yrs. AXA Chairs - AXA Research Fund +  AXARF_Chair-application-guidelines_2025.pdf  

AXA Funds

Post-Doctoral Fellowships - AXA Research Fund : Field of research Climate & Environment ,Health and Socio-economy & New Tech


Pre-announcement: Call for proposals on responsible use of Artificial Intelligence?. NordForsk plans a call for proposals on responsible use of Artificial Intelligence based on a Nordic-Baltic initiative. The aim is to fund a minimum of 11 Nordic and Nordic-Baltic research projects. The call for proposals will open in February 2025. 

Available Budget: up to NOK 180 million (60 million from NordForsk and 120 million provided by the institutions) . Maximum amount of funding that may be sought: NOK 6 million in total and NOK 1,2 million per year. Each consortium is obligated to contribute own resources corresponding to twice the amount sought from NordForsk.


Call for proposals: Responsible use of Artificial Intelligence


Pre-announcement: Nordic Research Infrastructure Hubs | NordForsk NordForsk will soon announce funding for approximately 12-15 Nordic research infrastructure hubs.  Maximum amount of funding that may be sought: NOK 6 million in total and NOK 1,2 million per year. Each consortium is obligated to contribute own resources corresponding to twice the amount sought from NordForsk.

Available Budget: up to NOK 180 million (60 million from NordForsk and 120 million provided by the institutions) 

Nordic energy Research

Call 2025: Nordic Mobility, Exchange, and Networking - Insights Nordic Energy Research will focus on three strategic areas: Increased sustainability and energy security -Improved Nordic energy stronghold and competence building-Stronger in international energy cooperation. A maximum of 4.33 MNOK can be provided per project  (avaialble 13,3 mill.nok)

Norw.Uni Paris Norw. Uni.  Paris3 stipenderReise- og oppholdsstipend for ph.d.-kandidater og postdoktorer   /Travel and accommodation grants for PhD candidates and postdoctoral fellows. Forskerstipend/ Researcher stipend. Mobilitetsstipend for forskere ansatt ved franske undervisnings- og/eller forskningsinstitusjoner til Norge/ Mobility stipends for academic staff. nok 25-40000 2025-02-01

Franco nordic programme: Support the development of new collaborative projects between French and Nordic researchers 10,000 and 20,000€ over the three years

Tilskot  (5 mill.) til Informasjonssikkerheit og IKT -kompetanseutvikling.  Bransjeprogram for Informasjonsikkerhet- og IKT-bransjen | HK-dir
Form?l 1: Informasjonssikkerheit , 2: Innf?ring i praktisk bruk av Kunstig intelligens,3: Kunstig intelligens,4: Data og digital infrastruktur, 5: Produktutvikling, 6: Digitalisering for gr?n omstilling
HK-dir Tilskuddsutlysninger | HK-dir Various Erasmus and other calls deadline 2025.jan-feb  2025 

Nordplus 2025 ¨C utlysing:  Nordplus best?r av fem delprogram som til saman dekker heile utdanningssektoren. Nordplus er eit mobilitets- og nettverksprogram for utdanning i dei nordiske og baltiske landa, inkludert dei autonome regionane ?land, F?r?yane og Gr?nland. Du kan f? st?tte til ÑDz©ÓéÀÖ¹ÙÍø_ÑDz©ptÊÖ»ú¿Í»§¶ËµÇ¼sprosjekt, nettverksbygging og mobilitet. Totalt tilgjengelig 10,1 mill EURO /ea. nok 118 mill 

HK-dir Norwegian--Icelandic cooperation to develop joint applications in the field of Arctic science to international programs ea. Horizon Europe, Erasmus+, EEA funds, NordForsk etc. EUR 25 000 /NOK 290 000 for preparatory work and  mobility costs.Arctic Research and Studies - Call for proposals 2023 | HK-dir  Open

Call for proposals on Sustainable health and social care systems for elderly  Nordic countries (as PI) other research organisations can participate in funded projects (but not as PI or co-host)Duration 4 yrs. Funding may be used for costs that are necessary for the implementation of the project, such as: Salaries , phd/postdoc, mobility and research stays, travels, stakeholder involvement and activities, dissemination  (include OPen Access fees), Indirect costs and overhead.. Such costs should be determined by the participating institutions according to their rules and models.  <= 15 MNOK


Researchers at the start of their research careers may apply for a Three-year Researcher Project with International Mobility. When the application is submitted, you as the project manager must have submitted your doctoral thesis. If you have already defended your thesis, it must be less than seven years since the public defence. The projects have a duration of three years, where you as project manager spend two years abroad and the third year in Norway.


Researcher Project for Early Career Scientists (FRIPRO)  Funding scale: NOK 4 000 000-8 000 000 Project duration: 36-48 months. FRIPRO funds both basic and applied research  (not development) that is curiosity-driven and bold. This call is aimed at early-career researchers who have demonstrated the potential to conduct research of high scientific quality.


Early Career Researcher Project (thematic) nok 4-8 mill. Researchers 2¨C7 ?r after dispute. Thematic area:  Welfare and education... contribute to a diverse society with high trust and limited exclusion, an adaptable and inclusive working life and a competent population that participates actively in education, work and society.  

NFR Phd and Postdocs Funding for Stays Abroad 3-12 m (extension possible for postdocs corresponding to the length of the stay abroad.) The objective of the scheme is to increase the number of younger researchers who conduct a research stay abroad. The person for whom a stay abroad is being sought must have a master's degree or doctoral degree from a Norwegian research organisation or residency or work in Norway for at least 12 months during the last seven years. Open

Researcher Project for Experienced Scientists (FRIPRO)  Ground breaking research funding.  Basic and applied science. Funding scale: NOK 4 000 000-12 000 000. Project duration: 36-96 month. 


Researcher Project for ICT Renewal and Development. Nok 4-12 mill. The purpose of the funds is to stimulate high-quality ICT research that can meet challenges and issues within: three areas "digital security and sovereignty", "next generation data processing/ICT systems" and "other ICT research areas" . The areas overlap and must be seen in context, the first two areas are given the highest priority, see the description of the processing procedure at the end of the call. The research and technology development shall contribute to sustainable social development.  

RCN Collaborative project to meet societal and business challenges (nok 4-12 mill.) Health, Enabling Technologies, Welfare and Education. The purpose of the funding is to stimulate research organisations to collaborate with relevant societal and business actors to develop new knowledge and build research expertise that is necessary to meet important societal challenges. We require that you collaborate with at least two relevant actors outside the research sector. 2025.03.05

Researcher Project for Scientific Renewal - thematic areas  Democracy and global development Portef?lje for demokrati og global utvikling, S¨¢mi society and culture, Welfare and education rpose of the funding is to stimulate research organisations to collaborate with relevant societal and business actors to develop new knowledge and build research expertise that is necessary to meet important societal challenges. We require that you collaborate with at least two relevant actors outside the research sector.

RCN   Knowledge-building projects for the business sector   Energy and transport. ¡°The purpose of the support is to stimulate research organizations to collaborate with the business sector to build knowledge that the business sector and society need to solve major societal and business challenges. We require the business sector to contribute with cash financing in the projects. Portfolio for democracy and global development.¡± Funds nok 4-12 mill. 2025.03.05

Funding for Research Stays Abroad for Doctoral and Postdoctoral Fellows The objective of the scheme is to increase the number of younger researchers who conduct a research stay abroad. International experience is important in building a career as a researcher. It helps to strengthen Norwegian research by increasing expertise and bringing new knowledge to projects. It expands networks and thereby provides Norwegian r...



Support for Events Funding scale: minimum NOK 50 000 Project duration: 1-12 months. Under this call, you can apply for funding to organise conferences, workshops and seminars. The event must serve as a meeting place for dissemination of research results, knowledge sharing, development of the knowledge base and/or generation of scientific collaboration. The event can also be digital.



Research Visits to Norway  It is only possible to include visiting researcher stays in applications where this is specified in the call text. Note that we do not have a separate call/funds for proposals for visiting researchers.



Industrial Ph.D. scheme ¨C Doctoral projects in industry  Opens spring 2025



PhD Public Sector Ph.D. Project  Opens spring 2025



PES Project Establishment Support. Funding for EU proposals .



 Kristine Bonnevie travel stipend. The MN Faculty wishes to encourage its researchers to spend a research period abroad and has provided funding for travel support. Both temporary and permanent academic staff are eligible to apply. Kristine Bonnevie travel stipendTravel stipend for permanent academic staff



SPARK Norway innovation programme 


UiO Energy

Funding and calls - UiO:Energy and Environment UiO:Energy and Environment supports educational and research activities within sustainable energy, climate and environment. We offer various types of funds and support schemes that researchers and students at UiO can apply for.  Ea. seed funding up to 400 000 nok 

UIO Democracy

Open call: Funding for research and dissemination from UiO:Democracy - UiO:Democracy  : Establishment of new activities within democracy research: e.g. workshops, seminars or conferences.Strengthening of already existing groups and projects engaged in democracy research, including the salary of a scientific assistant or student staff.Measures that contribute to the dissemination of democracy research and to increased community contact (e.g. outward-facing events, contact meetings with various social actors and - institutions and digital forums, including student-driven initiatives).Scientific staff can also apply for funds on behalf of students (e.g. for the establishment of small-scale research projects with student participation).Establishment and maintenance of the necessary infrastructure for research and dissemination, such as databases.

Growth hous 2025.03.20
UiO Life Science  index.html - UiO:Livsvitenskap  Established life science researchers from medicine and natural sciences are well represented in our regular calls for research, innovation and education. The open call may represent an extra opportunity for researchers from humanities and social sciences, including law, to come up with new ideas and overarching issues to get involved in the life science initiative. Open

Top-up Financing of MSCA and HFSP Fellows Funding scale: NOK 250 000-1 500 000 Project duration: 12-48 months  Top-up financing of outgoing candidates will contribute to better financial conditions for researchers who have received fellowships from Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) or from the Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP).


Support for Norwegian participation in the planning of research infrastructure on the ESFRI Roadmap  Funding scale: NOK 10 000- 500 000 Project duration: 1-24 months The purpose of this call is to provide support for the planning of potential Norwegian participation in the establishment of research infrastructure under the ESFRI Roadmap. 


Support for membership of the European Open Science Cloud Association Amount of funding presumed available for this call for proposals: NOK 7 000 000 Funding scale: NOK 10 000-130 000 Project duration: 1-12 months. The purpose of this call is to provide support for membership of the European Open Science Cloud Association (EOSC AISBL) for approved Norwegian research organisations and publicly funded administrators of research infrastructure that cooperate closely with Norwegian research organisations. Recipients must be able to document their membership in EOSC AISBL.



Fostering Pragmatic Comparative-Effectiveness Trials in Non-communicable Diseases (EffecTrial) Date call is made active: 20 November 2024-Call for preproposals: 28 January 2025- Application deadline:17 June 2025. Program: ERA4Health. The Research Council of Norway is announcing NOK 10 million to Norwegian researchers who want to participate in transnational investigator-initiated clinical studies.




Published Oct. 28, 2024 1:15 PM - Last modified Feb. 24, 2025 12:56 PM