Norwegian version of this page

Travel stipend for permanent academic staff

The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences encourages our permanent academic staff to spend part of their research and educational leave abroad. The Faculty has allocated funds to the Departments for its researchers to spend a period of time abroad. 

All permanent employees in academic positions can on application be granted one year’s research and educational leave after six years of employment, or six months’ leave after three years of employment. If part of the research and educational leave include time spent abroad, there is an opportunity to apply for a travel stipend (3-12 months). Each Department sets the deadline for applications, and processes the application for research and educational leave and travel stipends.

Rates for travel stipends

Following rates apply for 2024:

Employee:                               NOK 23.000 per month
Spouse/registered partner:     NOK 8.000 per month
Children under 18:                  NOK 4.000 per month (up to 2 children)

Practicalities regarding your stay abroad

Before your stay

Recipients of the scholarship must familiarize themselves with the duties and rights during a stay abroad, well before their departure (3-4 months). Current conditions include national insurance, tax and health rights. More information can be found on the UiO's website on international stays.

Applicants must, among other things, inform NAV about their stay abroad:

If you have questions related to national insurance, tax and health rights, you can get help from HR by e-mail personalgruppen(at)

Payment of the travel stipend

An application for a travel advance should be registered in the Self-Service Portal or the DF? app and a cost estimate (budget plan) must be attached to the application. The travel advance can be disbursed at the earliest one month prior to your departure. You can apply for the full amount granted (90% is paid as an advance, the remaining 10% is paid at the settlement after the research stay).

Please use the "Register travel requests and advances" form.
In step 1 Itinerary, select "Custom/other" under Cost allocation - please contact the financial officer at the department regarding correct cost allocation information (can also be changed upon delivery of the travel invoice). In step 4 Attachments, you should upload the grant letter and budget plan.

After your stay

You must infrom the tax authorities and NAV about your return to Norway.

At the latest one month after your return, you must fill in a travel expense claim form showing the actual costs of the stay abroad. You can do this by converting the travel advance application to a travel expense claim in the Self-Service Portal or the DF? app. Click on "Register travel requests and advances" and select the correct travel advance. Then click "Convert to travel expense claim".

Please note that a research stay is not considered a business trip and you can therefore not apply for reimbursements (step 2). Expenses and documentation of the expenses are registered in step 4.

FAQ (PDF in Norwegian)

Published Sep. 27, 2019 1:48 PM - Last modified Feb. 25, 2025 11:33 AM