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Internal resources and procedures for externally funded projects at MN

Here, you will find information specific to the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences which complements the information given centrally.

You can find a lot of useful information in the UiO central webpages:

Internal funds

  • KD positions
  • PES funding
  • Research excellence funds
  • Travel grants
  • Focus areas
  • Other internal UiO-funds

FRIPRO Read-Through Service for Early Career Scientist

The MN Faculty's Research Section collaborates with departmental research advisors to review your application for submission to the RCN.

We encourage those who would like to use our service to send an email to the MN faculty with:

  1. Your name
  2. Your affiliation - department / centre
  3. Your position
  4. A tentative project name
  5. The thoroughly prepared draft research proposal for early career scientists

We also ask you to provide a confirmation email from the head of department / centre that supports your application.

Please send this information to Egil Bakken.

Research projects funded by the EU

Learn more about the projects and researcher that received EU funding in the following categories: ERC, MSCA and Collaborative

Researcher support at MN

Who can you contact from the Research section at MN?

Externally funded projects: Who does what?

Find who is responsible for what in externally funded projects in this overview.

Routines for each institute and centre

Routines and contact persons for externally funded projects at MN's institutes and centres.


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