Norwegian version of this page

External grants

It is possible to apply for external grants to cover participation at conferences, research, staying abroad etc.

Below is a list of the most relevant funds and endowments.

For deadlines relevant to grants through Unifor, see Unifor's webpage.


The application deadline for Nansenfondet and related funds is January 15th every year, with funds alloted the same year. Applications can be submitted from 1 December the previous year.

It is possible to apply for funds for operational costs, research equipment, travels and research assistance among other things.

Read more (in Norwegian) at UNIFOR's web site.

Erasmus staff mobility

All staff members, including paid doctoral research fellows and technical and administrative staff, may apply. The stay can last from 2-60 days and can be for a conference, study visit, workshop, job-shadowing etc.

Application deadline: Rolling applications on a first-come, first-served basis.

More information about Erasmus staff mobility

Norges Bank's fund for economic research

Grants funding for economic research, such as research stays abroad, participation in international conferences to present one's own research, and for arranging research conferences in Norway. Money is not granted for educational purposes.

More information on the webpages of Norges Bank (in Norwegian)

Professor Wilhelm Keilhaus Memorial Fund

No application deadline.

Information in Norwegian at Stats?konomisk Forenings web page

Contact information:

Professor Wilhelm Keilhaus Minnefond
c/o H?egh Autoliners
v/Karin Jahren


Phone: 21 03 90 00

Leif H?egh & Co. ASA
Postboks 4 Sk?yen
0210 Oslo

The purpose of the fund is to support economic research and the publication of economic theses, but money have also been granted for travel purposes. Before submitting an application it is advised to contact Jo Thori Lind for an evaluation of the application possibilities.

Ingegerd og Arne Skaugs 亚博娱乐官网_亚博pt手机客户端登录sfond

The fund’s purpose is to promote economic research. Support is preferably given to studies of conditions and development in Norway or other countries that participated in the European Reconstruction Program (1947-1952).

The fund annually announces  available funds in January / February with an application deadline in mid-March.

Read more about the grant on Unifors web page. 

Researcher grant Fullbright Foundation

Fulbright scholarships are offered for research and / or lectures in the United States. All disciplines.

Deadline: 1. October

Read more about the grant at Fullbrights website (Norwegian)

Grant call: Support for international collaboration at UiO:Energy

UiO:Energy offers Students/fellows/researchers at UiO grants covering research and competence-increasing activities or attendance at relevant conferences abroad, or, courses or short-term visits to international research groups, lasting from two to eight weeks.

Letterstedtska f?reningen

The task of Letterstedtska f?reningen is to promote the cooperation between the five Nordic countries, within the fields of industry, science and art. The applications must be submitted no later than February 15 and no later than September 15. The application is preferably written in Scandinavian languages.

Read more about the grant (in Swedish).

Funds and endowments at UNIFOR (forvaltningsstiftelsen for fond og legater ved Universitetet i Oslo)

At UNIFOR's web pages you can search for funds and endowments you can apply for. In order to search, you must create a user account. If you have not previously searched via, click "New user" at the bottom of the page to register and create a user account.

Your user account contains information on applications you have submitted. You can also change your personal information, such as e-mail address and bank account number.

The entire application process is electronic and only applications submitted via will be considered. Remember to apply before the deadline.

1) Christiania Bank og Kredittkasses legat to UiO

The purpose is to support the academic research at the University of Oslo through grants, travel funding and similar support for the further education of candidates, who have taken their degree in economics at UiO or who are members of the academic staff at the Department of Economics at the University of Oslo.

Deadline: October 15th

Read more and apply at UNIFORs' web site (In Norwegian) 

2) The Fund for Applied Research at the Department of Economics

The fund promotes applied economic research at the Department of Economics and at the Ragnar Frisch Centre for Economic Research,  including stays at other research institutions, for the research staff at the two institutions. 

Deadline: February 15th.

Read more and apply at UNIFORs' web site (In Norwegian) 

3) Ingmund Kirkeruds legat

Academic grant to promote research within foreign cultures and societies. Can be given as a grant to PhD candidates as part of their doctoral work.

Deadline: October 15th.

Read more and apply at UNIFORs' web site (In Norwegian) 

4) Norges Handelsstands Forbunds fund to promote studies in distribution economics at UiO

The original purpose of the fund was to maintain a professorship in distribution economics at the University of Oslo. The purpose was changed in 2000 so that the available return can be used for academic grants within distribution economics based on economic analyses. The Faculty of Social Sciences nominates grant recipients.

Deadline: October 15th.

Read more and apply at UNIFORs' web site (In Norwegian) 

5) Professor Morgenstiernes fond

"Professor Morgenstiernes vikarfond til st?tte for professorers videnskabelige studier" was established by Professor Bredo Morgenstierne and his wife Bertha. The grants are allotted every two years within the field of humanities after nomination by the Faculty of Humanities, and every two years within the field of social sciences after nomination by the Faculty of Social Sciences.

The deadline is biannually October 15th.

Read more and apply at UNIFOR's web site (In Norwegian)

6) Ryoichi Sasakawa Young Leaders Fellowship Fund

The Fund assigns grants for students at higher levels and PhD candidates at the University of Oslo within a programme for international studies in the fields of humanities and social sciences.

The deadline: December 1st.

Read more and apply at UNIFOR's web site (In Norwegian)

7) The central bank of Norway's fund for Faculty of Social Sciences at UiO

The fund covers expenses related to lectures given by others than the university's own teaching staff, especially foreign guests.

Relevant areas are banking, money and finance or international economics.

It is possible to apply for up to NOK 120,000.

The application deadline is 15 October.

Apply for funds on UNIFOR's pages (in Norwegian).

Published Nov. 10, 2015 12:17 PM - Last modified Sep. 5, 2023 1:00 PM