Norwegian version of this page

Open science and evaluation

Open science has become an important factor in the evaluation of research and researchers.

Researchers invest significant effort in organising and facilitating openness, sharing and reuse of research.

Both institutions and research councils and other financers consider this work very important, and contributions to openness and sharing of research results have become part of both researcher assessments and the evaluation of applications for funding.

Researcher assessment at UiO

UiO has developed a competence and assessment matrix that can be used as a framework for assessing researchers during hiring and promotion processes. 

As part of the assesment of scientific qualifications, open publishing, sharing of research tools and methods and contributions to open research are included as criteria. 

See the competence and assessment matrix – UiO-KVM (in Norwegian)

Financers' evaluation of applications

Both The Research Council of Norway and the EU require the inclusion of project numbers/Grant IDs on all research results, so that the results can be retrieved later. 

Evaluations and Persistent Identifiers (PID)

As the focus on open research in evaluation processes increases, it also becomes increasingly important to make information pertaining to research results available in connection to CVs and applications for positions, promotions and project funding.

UiO recommends using persistent identifiers like ORCID and ROR to make it easy to retrieve results and activities in Cristin and other systems used for documentation.


Open science main page

Published July 22, 2024 8:04 AM - Last modified July 22, 2024 10:52 AM