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Routines for research projects at the Institute of Basic Medical Sciences (IMB)

UiO has developped a Quality assurance System to ensure correct implementations of rules and regulations. Here you will find information about how to register your project and about local routines at IMB.

Registering your projects

All research projects  must be registered in UiO’s research overview database called Forskpro and must receive internal prior-approval from the Institute before ethical approval applications can be sent to REC (or other relevant institutions). Registration of research projects in Forskpro as well as the uploading of relevant approval documents in Forskpro can only be done by the project leader. A project cannot commence before written internal prior-approval is received. As a general rule, it is the Head of Department, upon delegation by the Head of Institute, who issues the internal prior-approval of research projects. The Head of Institute issues the internal prior-approval for research projects where a Head of Department is also the project leader.

Prior to the commencement of any project, the project leader must always identify which authorities or institutions from which an approval is required. Such approval should then be acquired before data collection can begin.

Please remember that health and medical research  at IMB must be done in accordance with the Health Research Act.


Guidelines for the registration of research projects

Register/Edit a project in Forskpro

(requires UiO log in)

New from January 2020

Under GDPR, we have two parallel systems at UiO, the quality system for medical and health research (REC) and privacy in research (Sikt).

From 1.1.2020, all medical and health research projects that process personal data must notify Sikt. Application for RECs approval is still mandatory.

? Application to REC and notification to Sikt can be sent simultaneously.

? Sikt will make DPIA for projects where it is required (the Data Inspectorate recommends that DPIA as are made for projects that are not based on consent, using new technology, new or changed use of information already collected etc.).

? Sikt will provide guidance and service for researchers and students.

? Sikt can provide paid courses for researchers on privacy in research.

You can read more about privacy in research at this website: /for-ansatte/arbeidsstotte/personvern/routine-for- research-with-personal information.html

If you have an ongoing project you will usually not need to notify Sikt. Further information here: /for-ansatte/arbeidsstotte/personvern/rutine-for-forskning-med-personoppinformation.html

If you have any doubts about what do, please contact



For administrative support contact




The university is responsible for ensuring that research by staff and students is carried out within a framework designed in line with the University Act, the Public Administration Act, the Health Research Act and the Personal Information Act. The Institute has been delegated the responsibility for ensuring the implementation of this framework for all of our research projects. In addition to the institute-level responsibilities, the students and project leaders are responsible for ensuring that research projects are carried out in accordance to recognized scientific and ethical principles.

Published Nov. 3, 2017 8:37 AM - Last modified Feb. 7, 2023 5:39 AM