Due to Canvas' limited storage capacity, video should be stored on external servers and embedded in Canvas.
UiO provides video streaming through Vortex. Use this tutorial on uploading video to Vortex (Norwegian only).
Video stored in Vortex and published in Canvas is displayed as expected in these browsers (Windows):
- Internet Explorer
- Chrome
- Opera
On the Mac we recommend these browsers:
- Safari
- Firefox
- Chrome
Video is also displayed as expected in the Canvas iOS app. However, you need a little tweak to get it to show up on Android. Many students use the Canvas app on phones and tablet, so you are advised to use this method for embedding video.
Fix for Android
1) When the video file is uploaded to Vortex, you can access it through an interface like this. Select the file you want to embed in Canvas:
2. When the file is selected, Vortex displays a preview of the video file. Chose the tab "About media file":
3. Copy the url from the "Web address:" :
4. In the Canvas page you want to embed video, chose the "Insert/edit media"-button in the Rich Content Editor. Paste the url previously copied from Vortex in the "Generelt" tab shown below. If you click OK now, the video will display as expected on all devices but the Android app.
5.To make this work on Android devices, perform the following: Chose the "Inkluder" tab. Add "s" to the http in the url, to make the video stream through https. Then hit OK:
6. Now the video should display as expected on Android devices too.