What will where? Guidelines for what to do in Vortex and on uio.no, and what to put in Canvas

Guidelines for what should be open on UiO's webpages and what you can put in Canvas.


Students want common practice and predictability

Students want common structure and use of our digital tools, so it's predictable where they find what. These guidelines should provide predictability in what to find where on the pilot courses. It may be an advantage to think about the overall and common structures of Canvas for the courses that are part of a study program.

Do not duplicate content

If there is a need to display the same content in multiple places, this should be solved either from the project via system interfaces or with linking.

Some course information should be open to all, online

  • Potential students use courses and syllabus lists to find out about the UiO has to offer.
  • Students must have access to teaching and examination hours before they register for the subjects so that they can plan the studies.
  • the project will collect timetable and exam information from UiO's authoritative systems.
  • Course descriptions and syllabuses are included in the formal study plans, and are a contract between UiO and the students on what we should offer. Target groups are far beyond UiO; campuses nationally and internationally, employers, supervisors, etc.

This should be available on uio.no

The course description

A complete overview of the course at UiO must be openly available at uio.no/studier/emner/.


The timetable on the course semester page shows data from TP (UiO's timetable system).

Changes in teaching must be registered in TP. Timetables on-line are immediately updated from TP. 

Canceled lectures: If there is a cancellation, there is a box in the online timetableto mark the leture as canceled. In addition, if you want to notify students of a cancellation, you can send a message ot make an announcement in Canvas.

Time and place for exam

Time and place for exam is retrieved from FS and is updated in FS.


The syllabus must be on the semester pages so that we have archive history for the syllabuses. this is required by law.

The syllabus is also part of the formal study plan at UiO.

There is a great demand for old syllabus lists so having a self-service solution like today is preferrable.

Point of contact

All semester pages should have points of contact for the course (they use predefined texts).

Canvas, web pages and Inspera 

Pilot courses encouraged to use Canvas as a teaching tool to the fullest extent possible. 

The project introduces guidelines where there is overlap in functionality between Canvas and other mandatory solutions, such as topic pages and Inspera

Educational resources should be collected and added to Canvas

  • Students should not need to check both the semester page and Canvas to get an overview of the teaching material.
  • All content does not need to be located in / uploaded to Canvas, it can also be linked. The important thing is to have an overall overview / entrance to Canvas Resources.

Messages in Canvas

  • Both studiekonsulenter and teachers should give messages and announcements to students through Canvas, so students do not have to deal with messages on both semester pages and in Canvas.
  • Students can get notifications about messages in Canvas, and even choose how they want to be notified. 
  • Students now also receive messages that have been posted as announcements on the subject in Canvas in My studies, along with messages from the semester and program pages.

Digital exams in Inspera

Digital exams should not be carried out in Canvas, but in Inspera. Contact the project if you have questions about this.


There is no integration between Canvas Calendar and UiO Calendars at the time. 

My studies - collects content from courses which use Canvas and courses which do not use the Canvas

There will be, for some time, courses which do not use Canvas and other non-Canvas tools. Therefore, we are expanding today's My Study Solution so it becomes a place where students get access to the most important content they need, regardless of system. During the project period, we will continue to develop My studies with new information from various tools used in teaching days.

Questions or feedback?

Contact the project group at digital-laringsmiljo@admin.uio.no


Published Mar. 23, 2018 2:34 PM - Last modified Aug. 1, 2019 2:54 PM