
This user guide explains the design options for a question set. An author's design settings are not final, however, as the examination planner has the option to further edit or change the design settings when the test is created.

Design options

You can preview and choose how both questions and question sets will look during the exam by choosing "Design" in the top menu.

Here you can choose how the question set should look. The changes you make will appear immediately in preview mode and the question set.

Numbering scheme: Choose how your questions are to be numbered. If the question set has more than one section, each section can be displayed as a "chapter" with "subchapters" (for example 1a, 1b, 1c, or 1.1, 1.2, 1.3).

Hide navigation bar: By choosing this, candidates will not be able to navigate freely back and forth between questions using the navigation bar at the bottom of the screen. They will only have the option to go to the next or the previous question with the arrows at the bottom of the screen.

Disable navigate back button: By choosing this, candidates will not be able to navigate backwards in the question set - they can only navigate forward using the forward arrow at the bottom of the screen. Together with "Hide navigation bar", the candidate will only be able to navigate to the next immediate question using the forward arrow, and they cannot click back to a previous question or hop a few questions ahead/behind. NOTE: This is not a foolproof way of preventing candidates from navigating backwards in the question set.

Table of contents: This option gives candidates a table of contents at the start of the exam, including an overview of all questions, answered and unanswered questions, marks, and flagged questions (see below).

Hide question titles: Question titles/headers will be hidden from candidates.

Enable flagging: Gives candidates the option to flag questions. The flagged questions will be marked with a flag in the table of contents and on the deliver page.

Allow candidates to highlight section text: The candidate will be able to highlight text in the section stimulus. NOTE: The candidate will not be able to highlight text in PDFs or in other attached files. The highlighted text will only be visible to the candidate.

Question maximum marks: The maximum marks for each question are visible for candidates. Maximum marks will be displayed on each question and in the table of contents.


Published Aug. 7, 2018 10:22 AM - Last modified Aug. 7, 2018 10:22 AM