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Develop activities for students

Within Circle U. it is possible to test new mobility formats and new ways of exchange.

What can you do?

If you want to create activities for the students, there are many opportunities to do so. For example, you can initiate agreements for semester exchange, creating courses for short stays, digital events and collaboration with the partner universities.


Register and get help to plan activity

It is important to consider the following:

  • Student mobility in Circle U. is based on Erasmus+, which is an exchange programme. To maximize the potential for student participation, integration, approval and funding, your planned activity should align with the criteria set by Erasmus+.
  • New activities should not only be of high professional quality, but also supported by your administration. Contact your department to make sure that they have the capacity to follow up and carry out the activity you want to plan.
  • It is also important that you follow the routines at your faculty. For example: If you want to create a new course, you must follow the faculty's routines for starting a new course.

Different kinds of student mobility 

  • Semester exchange: Ordinary semester exchange is planned and carried out through normal routines.
  • Short-term mobility: New mobility format that allows for stays between 5 and 30 days. Can for example be used for students who wants to participate in a course that lasts a whole semester, but only be here for a short time. 
  • Blended intensive programs: Short-term mobility in the form of a short, blended intensive programme. A familiar format with our partners and a good way to organize an activity.


Primary funding for the students should ideally come from their home university. It is crucial to provide clear information to the students about the expenses covered by UiO and what they are expected to finance by themselves.

Who does what?

It is the department that plans and carries out the various activities. The Department of Education Services wants to contribute with quality assurance and dissemination of information. If you need advice and guidance in starting the activity, we are happy to assist. Please contact us in the form on top of this page. 

Examples of completed activities

Published Oct. 16, 2023 3:18 PM - Last modified Oct. 18, 2023 3:06 PM