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The Distinguished Educator Scheme

The Distinguished Educator Scheme is an institutional initiative aimed at promoting the quality of education at the University of Oslo (UiO). Academic staff holding a permanent position at UiO for a minimum of two years can apply to become Distinguished Educators. The deadline for the application is 1 September 2023.

Through the Pedagogical Academy and within the academic communities of the Distinguished Educators, experiences are shared, and the quality of education at UiO is further developed. This benefits not only the Distinguished Educators and their academic communities but also the students.

Who can apply?

Academic staff holding a permanent position at UiO for a minimum of two years can apply to become Distinguished Educators. The status of Distinguished Educator is awarded based on an individual application and recognition.

Please note that the application criteria for 2023 have undergone operationalization to become clearer.

Applicant seminar 22 June 2023

We encourage applicants to read these criteria carefully and to participate in the information seminar on June 22, 2023. You can find more information about the applicant seminar organized by LINK 22 June 2023.


The deadline for the application is 1 September 2023. The purpose of the application is to document the applicant’s systematic and targeted work towards educational quality based on four criteria derived from the principle of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL). Applicants are expected to relate their own educational experiences and reflections to the SoTL criteria, using the Template for Describing the SoTL Criteria.

The scheme is criteria-based, and applicants must meet all four SoTL criteria to be considered for appointment as a Distinguished Educator. Thus, being awarded the title of Distinguished Educator is based on clearly specified and more comprehensive criteria than those typically used for a teaching award.

The application consists of four elements and should be submitted through the online application form (Nettskjema) here.

1. Statement

In the Statement, you should demonstrate how you meet the SoTL criteria with reference to numbered attachments in the pedagogical portfolio. You can use up to 2500 words.

2. Pedagogical Portfolio

The Pedagogical Portfolio is a collection of documentation that shows how you meet the SoTL criteria. All elements in the portfolio, in the form of documents or links, should be numbered and referred to in the Statement.

3. Educational CV

The Educational CV (max. four A4 pages) should provide a concise overview of your personal information, education, university pedagogical basic competence, and relevant pedagogical experience. It should clearly indicate when you were appointed a permanent employee at UiO.

4. Declaration from Leader

Your formal leader should confirm in a cover letter that they are familiar with the incentives of the scheme and that your unit will facilitate your use of the incentives in the event of an appointment as a Distinguished Educator.

Template for Describing the SoTL Criteria

  1. Focus on student learning 

    1. Describe and reflect on your understanding of students' learning processes within your subject area.
    2. Explain why you emphasize these learning processes and discuss the connections between your educational practices and implications for student learning, preferably supported by pedagogical and didactic literature.
    3. Provide examples of teaching designs, strategies, or methods you have developed and explain how you engage students in research and active forms of learning and assessment.
    4. Document how you encourage students to reflect and think critically.
    5. Describe and reflect on specific plans for how you will continue working to enhance student learning.
  2. Clear development over time

    1. Describe, analyse, and reflect on how you have systematically developed your educational practices over time, including changes to courses or study programmes, as well as the piloting and developing innovative teaching and assessment methods.
    2. Explain why you chose to make these changes, preferably supported by relevant research literature.
    3. Provide examples of how you have included new forms of teaching and assessment in your educational practices and how these changes have affected student learning.
    4. Document how you have addressed challenges related to your educational practice and how these changes have contributed to your development as an educator.
    5. Describe and reflect on concrete plans for further developing your own educational practices, preferably linked to UiO's Strategy 2030 in terms of sustainability, innovation, or digitalisation.
  3. A research-oriented approach

    1. Describe and reflect on how you have incorporated research into your educational practices, both in terms of academic content and pedagogical methods.
    2. Explain why you have chosen this research-oriented approach to education.
    3. Provide examples of how you have conducted research on your own educational practice and how you have included evaluations and feedback from students in the development of your educational practices.
    4. Document any awards or other recognition you have received for your contributions to educational quality.
    5. Describe and reflect on your specific plans for further developing your research-oriented approach to enhance educational quality.
  4. Collegial attitude and practice

    1. Describe and reflect on how you have collaborated with colleagues (including administration, students, and external partners) in the development, improvement, and implementation of your own and others' educational practices.
    2. Explain why you have chosen these specific forms of collaboration to enhance educational quality.
    3. Provide examples of how collaboration with colleagues has contributed to developing your own and others' educational practices, preferably supported by relevant literature.
    4. Document any leadership roles you have held, or currently hold, to promote educational quality.
    5. Describe and reflect on your specific plans for further collaboration with colleagues and sharing of experience to enhance educational quality.


During the three-year period from 2020 to 2022, the scheme was introduced as a pilot, resulting in the appointment of a total of 15 Distinguished Educators. Following an external evaluation in the autumn of 2022 and subsequent extensive deliberations within UiO's bodies, the scheme has now been revised and established as a permanent initiative to enhance the quality of education at UiO. As a result of the revision, the title was changed from "Distinguished Lecturer" to "Distinguished Educator."

The Distinguished Educators are part of UiO's Pedagogical Academy (only available in Norwegian). The Academy serves as a collegial forum where education and teaching practices are communicated, shared, discussed, and critically evaluated and where new ideas in teaching are explored and placed on the educational policy agenda.

Duties and Rights for Distinguished Educators

All individuals awarded the title of Distinguished Educator:

  • receive written feedback on their application 
  • retain the title of Distinguished Educator for as long as they are employed at UiO
  • become members of UiO's Pedagogical Academy for as long as they are employed at UiO
  • are entitled to be considered for salary assessment according to the Basic Collective Agreement clause 2.5.3 no. 2, extraordinary work effort. The employer will make the claim on their behalf.
  • are granted the right to allocate time equivalent to one academic term with the purpose of strengthening the research-oriented and collective aspects of the scheme. This can be achieved, for example, through educational research or involving colleagues in their own educational practices. The formal leader is responsible for arranging with the Distinguished Educator how the work should be carried out, for example, by dedicating 20% of their time for a specific period if a full academic term is not desirable for the unit or the Distinguished Educator.
  • The academic community of the Distinguished Educator receives a one-time payment of NOK 50,000. The funds will be tied to a local initiative aimed at enhancing the educational quality at the Distinguished Educator's unit in consultation with the Distinguished Educator.
    • If this initiative requires additional financial resources, the unit is responsible for financing it through internal funds or by seeking external funding.

Evaluation Committee

A committee evaluates applications that meet the formal requirements. The committee's recommendation is presented to the University Board by the Rector, who makes the final decision.

The Evaluation Committee for 2023 consists of:

Sivert Angel

Dean of Studies and Education, professor at the Faculty of Theology, UiO (leader of the committee)

Jarle Breivik

Professor and Head of Department, the Faculty of Medicine, UiO. Breivik was a member of the Evaluation Committee in 2021 and 2022 and he led the work to revise the application criteria in the spring of 2023.  
Breivik was awarded the title of Distinguished Educator in 2020 and he represents UiO's Pedagogical Academy in the committee. 

Tone Dyrdal Solbrekke

Professor, Centre for Teaching and Learning (LINK), UiO. Solbrekke was a member of the Evaluation Committee in 2021 and 2022. Solbrekke took part in the work to revise the application criteria in the spring of 2023. 

Tone Fredsvik Gregers

Senior lecturer, scientific leader of the Centre for Teaching and Learning in Science (KURT) and head of science teacher education at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, UiO. Gregers was awarded the title of Distinguished Educator in 2021.  She took part in the work to revise the application criteria in the spring of 2023 and represents UiO's Pedagogical Academy in the committee. 
Arild Raaheim Professor, Department of Education, University of Bergen (UiB)
Appointed by the Student Parliament Student, the Student Parliament, UiO
Appointed by the Student Parliament Student, the Student Parliament, UiO


The Secretary of the committee is Kirsti Margrethe Mortensen, Department of Education Services.

Appeals and Complaints

The appointment of Distinguished Educators is not considered an individual decision, and there is no right of appeal for those whose application is rejected.


If you have any questions about the Distinguished Educator Scheme or about the application, please contact Kirsti Margrethe Mortensen.


Published June 1, 2023 10:42 AM - Last modified May 10, 2024 1:12 PM